Ch. 23 Can we play some more?

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I had the comforter on the floor and when I went down to grab it I fell out of the bed and he was on top of me.I looked up at his face and looked away blushing at my clumsiness and and he just took my face in his soft hands and kissed me gingerly and I fell distant for a moment.Something told me that it was okay and I took it a step further.I took my jacket off even though it was only 40 degrees outside with the snow on the ground and there seemed to be a huge spark of passion there.I wrapped up in the comforter regretting the decision for taking off my jacket.He rolled over putting me on top of him and just held me close to him and I just put my head on his chest.It was almost 3pm and we still haven't had lunch or dinner.I decided to call it off and put my jacket on,but he just grabbed his shirt and jumped out of the tree house and i followed and he caught me.He puts me down and pushes us up against the tree trunk and we start kissing hard core.He had his hands on each side of my head and got closer and closer.I let us get separated for a bit and we started to walk into the house.I ran into the room and he followed me and he closed the bedroom door and something felt wrong but right at the same time I will never forget what happened next. We sat there and i was sitting on his lap when my lap got thrown across the room and almost his me in the head.We stopped and looked at the now shatter lamp thats on the carpeted floor in my room and sat there in shock.He got out of bed and looked over where the lamp had flown from and came back over to the bed and gave me an over sized shirt and carried me into the living room. I sat on the couch with a throw blanket and a cup of coffee.Next thing I knew a blood curdling scream came out of me as I was thrown crossed the room just like the lamp.I hit the wall hard enough to leave a imprint of my body.I was picked up and thrown into my glass table and i bent the bronze frame and broke the glass causing me to go in a dizzy state. I looked up and the room seemed to shift as I tried to lift myself up to face my opponent and sure enough it was Brandon. He stood there blood across his face and 3 scratches across his chest and one eye blinded.His hair covered his eyes as he looked down at the ground left hand in his mouth as he tried to suppress a menacing laugh as if he's gone mad. He just swayed back and forth as he came closer and closer toward me when the light shown on the butcher knife he had hidden behind his back.He came charging at me and I deflected it and threw him over my shoulder and he crashed into the couch flipping it over. The knife was now in the air and landed tip down in the ground.He stood up and slowly turned toward me his hair covered up his blind eye and I noticed his eyes were a dark brown verses his usual baby blue. That is when I realized that derrick had taken over my boyfriend's body instead of mine,but why?Where's my dad shouldn't he be here to deal with him or is this a battle I have to deal with on my own?I let out a scream of vengeance and began to recite the prayer my dad said when he had possessed me.As I said it he began to have a seizure I didn't know whether or not it was part of his little act or if it was actually working, that's when my dad finally decided to appear and he told me to keep going and he said it with me.

"With the almighty's power in my I condemn you to go back to hell. I said with the almighty's power invested in me i condemn you back to hell!"With that Brandon fell to the floor knife just a finger tips reach.I ran over to him listening for a heart beat a gasp for air and nothing.He laid there as pale as pale could get and didn't move.That was the end of everything I knew, cared about and loved and they died just like my dad,gone and unsavable as the last.

Death HallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ