Ch.8 In a dark hole of horror

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After what seems like an eternity searching for this little freak (when really it was an hour) I finally caught up with him and grabbed his ankle. As I seem to stare into his soul I realized that I didn't go through him I was actually holding his ankle and pulling him toward me.
"Your mine now you pathetic demon child.Maybe now you won't hurt those who have been to innocent to understand you."

"Or will you?"and with that comment he was again absorbed into me. He threw me into the brick wall and I heard the shattering and dismemberment of my shoulder,probably an attempt to stop me from hurting myself again.This wasn't painful though instead I just laughed and mocked him.This underworld seemed to have made me stronger like I was meant to be here.I took my other hand and pushed it back into place and it healed just as quickly as it broke and shattered. I stood there sorta limpy ,but I was holding my arm and laughing like a mad scientist. I just kept laughing and laughing until,lights out everything I saw was nothing but black white and red. No matter how hard I tried to get him out of me, he seemed just as equally in power.

"Good luck sweet heart there is no turning back now. Sweet dreams in your new prison hole inside yeah.Oh my bad Sweet NIGHTMARES!" and with that he laughed and all I could do was feel helpless and miserable for all the poor innocent people he was getting ready to eat their souls and murder painfully and uncalled for. This was the horror and fear i've had since I was a girl.I know who this kid is, he used to be my best imaginary friend named derrick, until he began to get to uncontrollable and our games became more deadly.So I told him to go away and never come find me, but as he's learned and grown up like i have he also grew stronger in the mind as well in power.I stay in the back of my thoughts which are now his now I guess wondering what this vast murderer was gonna do or who he was gonna kill next.

I guess I passed out within because the next thing I noticed was that he was talking to me.
"wake up you sonofabitch it's your dad you need to pretend that you're not possessed and tell him you're fine you have 5 mins."
Five minutes that's it,I could barely get an S.O.S out to him i'll have to use our code word when I'm in trouble or pain he'll come right away.
"Hey dad,what's up?"
"Honey are you okay,your voice sounds deeper?"
Goddamnit,"No I just have a problem with my throat that's all,"I think I emphasised the word problem a little to strongly i hope he got the hint,but just to be on the safe side."Hey dad,could you possibly bring me your fames chicken noodle soup?"
"Yeah sweetie," and then he whispered, "are you possessed again?" OMG he knew this entire time.
"Pfff,what!? No! why would I say that I just want soup that's all."
"Ok dear i'll be there in a bit,don't do anything stupid."
"Ok dad," and then he took over, "I promise."
I think i a gasp over the phone before he hung up,but it was only 3 mins.
"WHAT THE HELL MAN!We had a deal 5 minutes!"
"Yeah,well I lied and 2 he knows to much."
"YOU SONOFABITCH!" After that I was out just as quickly as I woke up.

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