Ch 15 The next day

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I was on my way to school when a car almost ran me over.I slammed on my breaks and just started cussing and drove off hoping that no one saw(since its 4 am in the morning). I sit at a red light getting ready to turn into my school parking spot when i saw a dark shadow standing in the parking lot and it seemed like it was staring at me.I pulled in and sure enough it was the guy i ran into the other day.I stayed in the car afraid of what to do next.I got out of the car a few minutes later and he was still there.

"Hey,um nearly right?I'm brandon whats up."

"Yeah and hey so um..."

"I wanted to ask you, i mean your new and all,but I wanted to know if,never mind.It was a stupid question."

I looked up at him no longer shy and I kissed his cheek and he just looked down at me."Ask me anything I don't care.What did you say your name was again?"I said teasing him a little.
He blushed and began to rub the back of his neck."Did you say brandon or bradley?"

He looked up and I guess I was blushing cause he smiled at me.We stood there in silence for a minute or two then I said,"Hey we should probably get inside,I bet you're freezing your ass off by now,"and we began heading toward the building.He tried to make a move on me I know problem is he's shy and just doesn't want to rush,but something tells me he just wants to ask me to the dance the saturday.Man,why won't he do it,maybe I have to ask him?Then he looked at me and was trying so hard.

"Hey nearly the thing I wanted to ask you was....,"come on say it please,"would you help me with my studies I heard your really good at chemistry and UGH what am I saying," I don't even know lol."Nearly, would you be my girlfriend I know we just bumped into each other in the hallway yesterday but something tells me that you know,"I looked up at him and he was having a problem looking for the right words.

"That we were meant to hang out,"I added so he wouldn't,well you know explode from trying so hard.

"Yeah,how did you know?"

I just stood on my tiptoes and kissed his perfect lips and walked into the classroom to get my homework done,but it turns out he has the same class as me YA!!!!

"I didn't know you had the same class as me."

"Yeah,I just transferred here and I found out that you were in this class and yeah."

"Could this day get any better."


"I mean nothing."that was a close one.

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