Pt. 7 "The one facetime call "

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Queen POV

I haven't spoke to August since the day I left. It's been three years I haven't seen him. I was in love with him for so long that I didn't see what was going on right under my nose. Its true what they say about love, it makes you blind. What did I do to deserve to be cheated on? Was I terrible girlfriend? Did I not give him enough love? Like WHAT!! I gave him a daughter, I gave him my trust, my body, my heart you name it. If he wanted something I would give it to him in an instant. I don't understand why he would do something like that to hurt me.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't realize I was getting a call from an unknown number.

I sighed and looked at it. I felt little hands holding my leg I looked down to see Michelle with a sad face.

Why my baby sad?

" baby why you sad *I picked her up gently* what's the mwatter ". I said trying to tickle her. She laughed a little then it disappeared.

" dada!!". She said

I signed

I brought her closed to me "I know * A long sigh* I know princess I miss dada to". I couldn't stand my baby being sad so I decided to FaceTime August for the first time on Michelle's iPad I got for her 2 weeks ago.

" Michelle you want to FaceTime daddy ?". Her face instantly lit up and she nodded repeatedly. She didn't know what FaceTime was but I'm assuming she knew that she going to talk to him.

" here goes nothing, I'm doing this for you ". I said looking at her with a little smile forming across my face.

I walked towards my couch,
Michelle following behind me. I sat down and picked her up and sat her right beside me.

I turn the iPad on, clicking the home bottom which took me straight to her home page. her face was plastered in the back ground of her eating ice cream for the first time the icream was all over her mouth. she had a brain freeze moment that I manage to catch, it was cute and hilarious at the same time. as my index finger glide across the screen, allowing me to see other apps. damn this girl got alot of games. after two more swipes i found FaceTime. I put the ipad down, thinking about what was going to happen if I press the app and a call him. I looked at my daughter not taking her eyes off the screen, waiting on my to make the next move. I couldn't back out now. I bit my bottom lip and I click on FaceTime and began to put in his number. I click on the call button.

Ing ing ing ing ing................. ing ing ing ing ..... ing in- *he picks up*

All I see is his big ass forehead. He adjusted the camera so Michelle would be able to see his face. I sat the iPad in front of her and went into the kitchen.

1 min later ......

I came out to see Michelle kissing her iPad .. "muwah ". I laughed a little and ate some more of the yogurt I got from the fridge. I sat on the other couch across from her and listened to there conversation. I don't want anything said without my presence for all I know August might have a plan to take away Michelle from me. Even though he tried and failed miserably.

" dada qwen are you coming ?". She asked making a face.

" I'm coming baby girl don't worry ". She started laughing probably because he winked at her or something. When she was a baby August would wink at her and she would smiled widely.

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