Pt:16 "Nobody safe"

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[Queen P.O.V]

When I left that awful place I was heartbroken, August didn't  give me a chance to speak. I cried all the way home. I parked in my garage and sat in my car and put my head on the staring wheel. And thought about what happened earlier. It made me cry even more and I all of sudden I just didn't want to go in the house anymore. I put the car in reverse and step on the gas. When I pulled out not watching who was behind me I heard a man yell.

"STOPPPP!". I look at my mirror and saw a man putting his hands up for defense.

I put my hand on my mouth and got out. I walked towards him. "O my goodness,, did I hurt you?.. did I-". He look up at me.

It was the guy that runs through my neighborhood every morning. I don't know why he's running in the afternoon.

" im okay, But you almost ran over my foot ". He said laughing a little, giving me that 1 million dollar smile.

" well I'm glad I didn't run over your foot, I'm sorry again". I got back in my car. As I get out of the garage he open the door and got in.

I know this nigga did not just come up in my car like he paid for it.

" Boy what you doing in my car ". I said about to go all crazy on him.

" before you go all Jackie chan on me listen you not safe here... my names is Benny lele Gibson I'm a dec- *i busted out laughing.. his whole name got me crying bricks*".

"What's funny I being serious ". He said with a serious look.

" Hold up did yo mama hate you that bad, what kinda name is that ?". I laughed again and I looked at him and saw that he wasn't joking.

" anyways I'm a detective, I work for D.S.S.P it's a company far from here.. but I been sent here just to protect you.. it's not safe Queen, *i wanted to know how he knew my name* I'll explain everything later, all you need to know that it's not safe for you here anymore". He said taking out this weird device I never seen in my life.

" Boy if you don't get the hell up 'outta my car and whatever that is, I got other things to worry about 'ight if somebody wanna come kill me I'll be in my house, eating sum popcorn and watching the Notebook". When I got out the car he grabbed my arm.

I gave him that boy you better not touch me look.

He let go and gave me his card just call him for anything.

******THE NEXT DAYY******

I looked at the time it was 9:28 p.m

Did I sleep for that long. I touch my head it was aching.

I got up and walked towards the bathroom but my phone started to ring. I grabbed it.. was a UNKNOWN #
I picked up and it was heaving breathing.

"Hello?, who's this ". I said

" where are you?". It was August.

"Augu-". He cut me off "yes it's me Queen where ever you are you need to get out of there don't ask question just listen to what I'm telling you to do.. listen Det. Gibson is coming to get you .. if you at the house get all the stuff that you need and go some where far from there go to a hotel... just please no question Listen to me Queen' yo sister came to see me and told me what happen, what happened to you and ... the baby I'm sorry but I'm coming out soon .. I luh' you Now GO ...GO... Go". I hung up and and pack all my stuff. I was holding two duffle bags. A soon as I open the room door I herd the alarm go off. I could hear stuff was being destroyed. I herd two people talking.

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