Ch.5 I Guess He Has a Sunny Side

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Ch.5 I Guess He Has a Sunny Side
       There's a knock on my bedroom door. I groan in response meaning I'm still tired. They open the door anyway. "Morning Iris!" I hear Ruby's energetic voice exclaim. Geez, what time does this girl wake up? And why is she so hyper at times? It's Saturday, go back to bed! I sit up in bed and yawn, rubbing my eyes. "Morning Ruby..."I mumble. Ruby stands in my doorway, eyeing me for a second. "Is it my bed head?" I ask, realizing. She lets out a small laugh and nods. I let out a small sigh and fling my covers off of me, revealing my Stitch onesie. What? It's adorable - correction - he's adorable.

"I can braid it for you." Ruby suggests. I raise an eyebrow at her. "You know how to braid?" I ask, a bit suprised. "Well, yeah. Why?" She asks, confused. "Nothing. It's just that when I was our age, I had no idea what to do with hair, I didn't really care about it either. All I did was play with dolls and eat apple sauce all the time." I say, truthfully. Ruby only shrugs. "So, do you want me to braid it?" She asks. I nod. She walks further into the room, closing the door behind her, and sits behind me on my bed.

"One or two braids?" She asks. "I don't know, two I guess." I reply, yawning. Ruby then begins braiding my 'mane', which is what I like to refer my hair to. A few seconds later, Ruby finishes one braid and begins on the other, then there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I call out to them. The door opens to reveal Oliver and I hear Ruby gasp. Don't worry Ruby, he'll have to deal with me before-

"Morning bro-bro! When did you come home last night?" Ruby asks him. Huh? Bro-bro? Oliver chuckles. "Good morning to you too, sis! Also, around 11:30." He replies. Ruby finishes my braid and runs up to Oliver giving him a big hug. No way.... I watch intently as Oliver hugs her back. At this point I'm wondering if Oliver was brainwashed. "I made breakfast today." Oliver tells Ruby. She gasps in excitement and runs downstairs faster than you can say 'pickles'. What? I like pickles. Oliver finally acknowledges my presence.

"Good morning, Iris." He says. He's never called me by my real name before...I immediately get off my bed and back away from him. "Who are you, and what did you do with Oliver?" I ask. He chuckles. "I'm surprised you noticed. I am not Oliver but his evil twin brother from another dimension, Brad. I can't let you ruin my plans so I'll have to lock you up in the basement where no one will hear your screams." He replies, sarcasatically. "The basement?...where no one can hear my screams?.....kinky...." I say out loud. He snorts. "Now that I think about it, that did sound sort of kinky, but I only came to tell you breakfast is ready." Oliver says.

I blink twice. "I'm dreaming, right? There's no way that you'd be nice to me or anyone ever. So either I'm dreaming or you really are Oliver's twin brother, Brad, from another dimension." I say and back away again. Oliver, or whoever he is, sighs. "Alright nerd, although I'd be honored that you dream of me-"he winks at me causing me to roll my eyes, "-at school, you will tell no one of this. Or you won't like what happens next." He tells me. I'm silent for a moment, thinking. "You are Oliver." I say and gasp. "Oh, how do you figure that out?" Oliver asks sarcastically, narrowing his eyes at me. "But're a total softie and Oliver..he's a bad boy!" I exclaim. Oliver, who I still don't believe is Oliver, rolls his eyes. "Yea, yea! Just don't tell anyone!" He exclaims.

"Oh my're secretely a soft marshmallow." I say, my eyes wide. Oliver raises an eyebrow. "A what?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nevermind..." I mumble. Oliver stands there for a moment then clears his throat. "Well, as I was saying before, breakfast is ready." Oliver repeats. I nod. "Right." I reply, still surprised by all of this. Oliver takes a look around my room. "Nice set up..-" he walks over to one of my posters, "- but Taylor Lautner, really Iris? I haven't seen or heard of anything new he's been in. I thought you were better than this." Oliver says, shaking his head.

I feel my cheeks tinge pink. "So what? He's hot and he's mine!" I exclaim. Oliver chuckles. "Okay, one: I never said I wanted him. I don't roll that way. And two, if you wanted a picture of a hottie, why didn't you just ask me for a picture of myself." Oliver says, smirking. I roll my eyes. "I'm just gonna go eat breakfast now." I say and push past him to the stairs.

"Race ya there!" Oliver exclaims, pushing past me this time and rushing down the stairs. I begin running after him. I didn't know I was living with a five year old. One we get to the bottom of the stairs, Oliver looks back at me with a smirk and turns back, running towards the kitchen. I'm a little far behind but I don't have a good chance of winning. This is it, I can't beat him....unless...... I use what little stamina I have left(especially since it's the morning) and catch up with Oliver then jump on to his back as soon as he enters the kitchen. ..It's a tie. "Boo-yah! It's a tie!" I exclaim and hop off his back. He turns to face me, I can't exactly read his face. "That's a bunch of-" Sasha buts in, "LANGUAGE!" he continues, "-baloney!" Oliver exclaims. "You never explained the rules." I retaliate, smirking. Oliver rolls his eyes and sits at the table.

"Victory!" I exclaim. Oliver ignores me and sits at the dining table after bringing a plate of pancakes for the both of us. I sit down across from him. "Try 'em, I made these myself." Oliver tells me. And he cooks?! "Like that's supposed to help me feel better about eating these?" I say, jokingly. "Just try them." He tells me. I stare at them for a while before taking my first bite. Oliver studies my face as I chew the pancake. "So, is it good?" He asks. "Well, for one, I'm glad they're not poisnoned, and two, they taste amazing!" I exclaim and begin to devour the pancakes on my plate. Oliver laughs a bit. "I'm glad." He says and begins to eat. He can laugh?! Since when?! I guess he has a sunny side...

Heyo!! It's Friday so I updated since tomorrow's the weekend. I don't know my updating schedule yet but it all depends on how much I can write with school is the way. Speaking of school *cough* EmilyBoz04 *cough* JUST BECAUSE A FRIEND OF MINE SAYS "I love you" DOESNT MEAN THEY LOVE ME LIKE THAT AND IT DEFINITELY DOESNT MEAN WE'RE GETTING MARRIED! Ahem...anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter please like, comment and leave feedback! Have a good day/night! Bye bye💖


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