Aang x SisterReader Part 3

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In collaboration with: @Write_YourDreams


Y/N - Your Name
Y/M/N - Your Mentor's Name

You were so lucky. Looking back at it, you could have been in a public place instead of the Eastern Air Temple. How would you have explained to a confused crowd why you'd randomly gone into the Avatar State. Aang must have been in serious trouble. You'd come to several hours after initially being thrown into the Avatar State. You'd the noticed his spiritual presence had dropped completely, making you worry.

"Did you hear?" Mizushi asked quietly, looking over her shoulder. You snapped out of your thoughts, giving your new friend your attention. "There's news about the Avatar, but I can't confirm it." Okay, now you were difinitely paying attention. You leaned forward, the table pressing uncomfortably into your ribs. "The Avatar was in Ba Sing Se when it fell. Apparently, he was confirmed dead by the hands of someone in the royal family in the Fire Nation."

You couldn't move. A lump had formed in your throat, and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. Aang... dead? There's no way. He can't be-

"Y/N?" Mizushi grabbed your hand, trying to bring you back. You looked back at her, seeing a single tear run down her cheek. The air started to circle around you. You needed to get out of there. You needed to speak with someone who'd know. Yengchen! She'd know about Aang. You stood quickly and rushed out of the cafe, leaving your friend behind you.

"Yangchen. I need your guidance." Yangchen looked up at you, her newest life. "Where is Aang?"

"I... don't know." Yangchen replied after a moment. "Has something happened?"

"I don't know!" You shouted, wrapping your arms tightly around your stomach. You'd spent so long tracking him down only to run into his future killer. The guilt and sadness consumed you. If only you had killed the Fire Prince when you'd had the chance!

"Y/N!" Yanchen ripped you from your thoughts. "Think this over carefully. Have you tried to sense his presence?" You gave Yangchen your best "are you serious" face. Of course you'd tried to sense Aang's presence! Otherwise, you wouldn't be asking Yangchen for advice. "Aang has not summoned my spirit yet, so I cannot help you further. I apologize, Y/N." Yangchen said as she faded away.

"Well, okay. Fine then." You retorted. "Who HAS Aang summoned already?" No one answered. Hadn't he caused some trouble for Kyoshi Island about a month ago? It's as good of a place to start anyway. You refocused yourself and called on Kyoshi.

"It's been a long time, Y/N." She greeted you.

"Kyoshi, I need your help. I can no longer sense Aang's presence, and it's rumored that he was killed when Ba Sing Se fell. Do you know if it's true?" You leaned forward expectantly.

"I... I am not sure. I see that there is more troubling you." Kyoshi changed the subject. Your heart fell. He really was gone then. Tears pricked at your eyes, but you pushed them back. You'd cried enough to last several lifetimes.

"He was supposedly killed by the Fire Prince, Prince Zuko." You clenched your fists. "I saw him in Ba Sing Se, but I let him go. If I hadn't, Aang wouldn't have-" You cut off, the bile rising in your throat. You felt sick. None of this would have happened had you killed the two firebenders.

"You're right. If I had acted sooner to stop my foe, I would not have had to isolate my followers on Kyoshi Island. Sometimes drastic measures must be taken to keep the world in a state of peace, as you now understand." Avatar Kyoshi replied cooly. "Inaction, and mercy, are more dangerous than taking the wrong path and making a mistake." Her words made you unbelievably uneasy.

"Y/M/N must be rolling in her grave right now. That way of thinking goes against everything I was taught."

"My respect for the Air Nomads has no bounds, but their teachings do not always ring true in the world. Remember that." Kyoshi faded away as her spirit returned to the Spirit World. You curled your knees into your chest, reflecting over Kyoshi's words. She was right. It was your fault, and if you could no longer sense Aang, it must mean that he was dead.

Hey readers! It's been so long since I could post, and I'm so sorry. I didn't expect college to be nearly as time-consuming as it is. As stated in my previous author's notes and updates, I am in the process of ending the book and am no longer taking requests. I'm sorry to those who have been putting in requests, but I have already closed it. I'll get the remaining chapters in as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you have any questions for me relating to this one-shot book, comment here or message me. I'll answer any question relating to this book and post the question and answer once the book is finished. Anyways, I hope y'all are doing okay. For those affected by the recent hurricanes and floods, my heart goes out to you. I hope everyone is safe, and that nothing irreplacable was lost to the floods. Remember to vote and comment.

As always, stay flamin'!

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