1st Place: Ty Lee x Reader

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I stopped waiting for votes when the first option hit 10 votes since they were coming in so slowly. The first-place winner, and story y'all wanted the most, was Ty Lee! Enjoy, and thank you all so much for reading my short stories!!!


Y/N - Your Name

You happened to meet the extraordinary girl while you were out chasing down one of the fox-antelopes that had gotten away from you. You had just gotten this job. If the animal couldn't be found, as the youngest cast member at 14 and the newbie, you'd be fired first.

"Awwww! Well, aren't you adorable!" You heard a sweet voice a short distance away. As you'd hoped, the fox antelope had stopped to meet a new friend.

"Flying hog-monkeys you're difficult to track down!" You quickly tied your rope comfortably around the animal's neck. It fought for a moment but stopped when it realized you had a treat for it. While it was happily munching away, you turned to address the pretty girl in pink standing in front of you. "Thank you for helping me out. This one got away from me." Looking her up and down you realized that her clothes were dirty but finely made. She also carried with her a small satchel. "You seem to be traveling. Are you here to see the circus?" Her eyes lit up instantly.

"Yes! My name is Ty Lee! I heard the circus was passing through here and I wanted to join." At the very least she's enthusiastic. Something about her demeanor was just so very... cute. Why would an adorable girl like her want to join the circus?

"Y/N, delighted." You greeted her, holding her hand delicately. "Pardon my asking, but why would a noble girl want to join a circus? Surely your life at home was more comfortable." She blushed a bit and looked away. Cute.

"I just don't belong back at home and want a fresh start." She quickly regained her cheery disposition.

"Well, what's your talent. Be warned, if you're a beast tamer, that spot is already taken." You winked, causing her to let out a quiet giggle. So cute. In the blink of an eye, she used your shoulders as a springboard to balance on your head. Unsure of what to do, you froze. What even happened? One moment, she was in front of you and then balancing on one hand on your head the next. How did she-? With a short hop, she landed solidly on her feet behind you. Shocked and bewildered, you turned around to face her.

"I'm sure I can come up with something." Her smile was so infectious, you could feel yourself being pulled into an equally wide grin. What an amazing girl! That's it, you were in love. "Um... are you okay?" You picked your jaw up off the floor and nodded. She giggled again. "Great!" The fox-antelope was starting to fuss. "Do you mind taking me back with you so I can ask about joining up with you all?" Unable to properly form coherent words, you just nodded. "Thank you so much!" Rising to her toes, she came close and gave you a soft kiss on your cheek. You could immediately feel the heat rising to your face, almost like steam escaping your head. Wow. "Well, let's go!" She cartwheeled away and you followed behind, knowing full well that you were now wrapped around her little finger.

You would find out just how true that was when you arrived at camp. After putting the fox-antelope back with its friends, you brought Ty Lee to the circus operator. "Sir?"

He looked over at you and your guest and let out a deep, disappointed sigh. "Don't tell me you managed to both lose the fox-antelope and bring back a stowaway. I thought I told you to not take after Suroh! We can't afford to give away free tickets to circus member dates!" The sword-swallower happened to be within earshot and seemed to take offense.

Raising a fist, he playfully responded. "Hey, that was only two times!"

"In the last town over! If you're going to pick one of them then do it already!" The operator replied. He was probably serious. Suroh just shrugged it off and walked towards town, probably to find another date.

Ty Lee poked your shoulder to get your attention. "What's with him?" she asked innocently.

"Sometimes, he invites attractive men in the towns we stop in to see the circus for free as a date. However, he's usually broke so he has to ask for loans from the circus." You replied hushedly. Once the operator's attention was back, you replied to his question. "I did find the fox-antelope, by the way. It's safe with the others. I brought Ty Lee because she wants to join as part of the circus." You gestured to the pretty girl beside you, hoping for the best.

"Interesting... well, what do you do? Are you some kind of palm-reader?" You choked back a laugh, waiting to see the look on his face.

"Hmmm... I can't read palms, but I can do this!" She cheerfully replied. Before the operator had time to respond, she cartwheeled away to give herself some room. Getting a running start, she used your back as a launching point to jump into the air. Gliding softly, she briefly balanced on top of the operator's head before flipping midair onto the tip of the tent pole. There she stood elegantly and at ease on a point no bigger than your thumb, much to the operator's surprise. You were too focused on her to see his reaction, though. She giggled at your collective shock. "What did you think? I can balance on anything. Can I join?"

"Ah, of course! You could do tricks on the tightrope or balance on animals! Welcome to the circus, girl!" The operator applauded her and walked off to make the necessary arrangements for the show. Ty Lee gleefully did a small dance that looked almost like a little wiggle. Adorable. She hopped off the tall pole, clearly planning to land safely. However, your body moved instinctively and before you knew it, you had caught her in your arms.

Holding her bridal-style, you looked down at her flushed face. Neither of you knew what to do next. "Uh... um... s-sorry." You moved to put her down, but she wrapped her arms comfortably around your neck. Oh, or not? She snuggled close to you and it felt like your heart might burst from your chest.

"My hero! Maybe you could give me a tour of the circus?" You mentally thanked the spirits for all the times you had to wrestle with the more stubborn animals and carted around barrels of food for both the people and animals. You had the strength to carry her comfortably for as long as she wanted. You chuckled at the idea.

"Sure thing, beautiful. Where do you want to start?"


Hey everyone! I'm so grateful for all of the love and attention y'all have been giving my stories! I especially enjoy reading all of your comments! I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being the most amazing readers ever and giving me over 800,000 reads and climbing! This will be the last story I post on here.

So, again, thank you!

Stay flamin'!

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