《Chapter 4》

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"Ellie meet your step-brother," Karen says

I look back at Shawn.

im freaking out!!

did dad know that my stepbrother is famous!?!?

I was not like one of those massive dedicated fans or a member of the Mendes army or anything like that. I wasn't all that into music but I have heard a couple of his songs on the radio. I knew he was the'stitches' singer and I knew he was really young but not a year older than me young!

he is really tall and has longish silk brown hair. he has brown eyes and a massive smile spread across his face. I bet I look really confused...

"you..i...my...what?" im stuttering. im just really confused...my mum married Shawn Mendes' Dad!?  this is crazy. 

"yep..she knows who he is," Manny says

"I think im gonna go," says Madeleine "thank you for having Mrs.Mendes" she leaves through the front door and I still can't speak, let alone words in English.

"err..h..hi" i manage to say. Karen rolls her eyes.

"Ellie and Shawn, why don't you two go into the living room? im going to get Aaliyah. I think we need a family meeting"

"actually...umm...errr. I have got to get changed" I indicate to my dress that was damp and stained she nods and sighs

"okay family meeting will happen once the party is over, Ellie you go get changed, Shawn you don't mind clearing up the floor do you?"

he shakes his head and side smiles. he walks past me and opens up a cupboard in the hall and takes out a broom. 

I take this as a chance to leave. I make my getaway as I run up the stairs and run into my room. I don't believe it, my mind must be playing tricks on me, Shawn Mendes can't actually be my brother! this is insane!  this kinda stuff doesn't happen to me...I am just a loser!

I calm myself down and decide to get out of my dress I change into a pair of leggings and a loose top. comfy yet practical. I then braid my hair and wash my face.

I heave an exhausted sigh and climb onto my bed, I put my phone in charge as I scroll through my Instagram feed. I yawn as I start to close my eyes...


I hear a knock at the door. did I fall asleep? was I dreaming this the whole time?

The door creaks open and there stands a slightly nervous looking Shawn

"umm hey" he says anxiously

nope. definitely not dreaming. I did embarrass my arse in front of a celebrity. Jesus Ellie. I look at him, try to speak words this time.

"Hey," I say back

"Umm, mom wants us down for that family meeting. umm, everyone has left so.." he side smiles. he's about to leave...I need to say something.

"Wait! Shawn?" I say

"yeah?" he pops his head back through my door

"umm, im sorry about earlier about hitting your head.." i opologize.  he chuckles

"im sorry for spoiling your dress." he grins

"I made such a fool of myself, im sorry that I acted all weird before, I made it super awkward because erm I know who you are and I didn't know that umm... you know..."

"It's chill. I get it...umm hey...I think we should start this again" he comes into my room and sits at the end of my bed and holds out a hand

"hey im Shawn. your brother..how do you do?" he says in a somewhat British accent. he smiles. I giggle.

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