▪chapter 15▪

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It's game on.

I run away and hide behind Lana and Maddy.

"It's not fair! We don't have any pistols!" I shout over to Shawn who was laughing his arse off.

"well go get some lazy pants!"

I look around and then I see on a table with several boxes of water guns and several tubs full of water on top. I jog out of the way and over to the table and I pick a similar gun to shawns, I dunk it in the water bucket and pull it out not forgetting to screw up the cap and I hold in my hands and head back over to everyone.

I stand behind him, I count to three and I fire the back off his head. the water is ice cold so it doesn't surprise me when he yelps. he turns around and sees me laughing at him.

"sorry you looked too dry and I couldn't help myself!" I cry

"im gonna get you back for that Ellie!"

"oh it's on like donkey kong Mendes!" we both start instantly shooting each other and as the water starts hitting my skin I feel chills run down my spine the water is so cold. I turn and run towards the sea and Shawn follows me.

we run down the shore and splash into the waves. the whole time we are laughing and squirting each other with the water guns. my hair is sopping wet and so is his, he shakes his curly hair like a dog to get it out of his face and his cheeks are rosy pink. shawn catches up on my tail and reaches for me but when it happens I fall and trip over my own feet and land on my bum in the soft sand. whats worse is that I pull Shawn down too, on top of me and his muscular body squashes me as he lands.


"oh my god im sorry!" he says exasperatedly. he rolls off to my side and we are both looking up at the sky. its a shade of midnight blue and the stars glow like large like street-lamps. Each one is more of a sallow yellow orb than a brilliant pin-prick white but they are beautiful and there is so many of them.

"it's okay!..oh wow! look at the stars! it's magnificent!" I say laughing and staring up in awe.

"yeah, it is really pretty. we get nights like this all the time so I kinda forget to appreciate the scenery here. do you not get starry nights in England?" he questions. I feel his eyes on me.

"no, hardly ever. it always cloudy so we cant ever really see them.,. it's like that quote...umm...good friends are like stars. you don't always seem them but you know they are always there"

"that's a cute quote. just like you!" I smile at his cheesy line

"its one of my favourites. it reminds me how lucky I am, I guess. to have a family who loves me and friends who support me"

" that's nice. you are so lucky you know" he sighs

"trust me im not. I have had my good share of crappy days. my life, to be honest, is not all that exciting whereas yours!... you are living your dream!"

"I am and im so grateful for it! it definitely keeps me on my toes for sure but it does suck a lot at times like last year was the worst"

"why? what happened?" I ask

"I don't want to talk about it. it's in the past. like master oogaway said!" he smirks

I laugh with him.  I close my eyes and breathes in the salty aroma. Scrunching my toes, I feel the softness of the sand, damp from the retreating tide. we sit up and watch as each wave overlaps one another masking the shore with the transparent fading water. 

I hadn't been to a beach in years and it felt so cool to be back at one. I pick up the sand in my hands and push it into a small mountain. it was soft and smooth.

Boyfriend + Brother || Shawn MendesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora