.chapter 14.

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We leave the cafe in disgrace after being kicked out by one of the employees and we agree to go to madeleines. Lana is a mess, her makeup is ruined and she looks ratchet and I am even being polite, the poor thing is mortified. We knock on the door and Maddy opens up the door and she is shocked by the state of both of us.

"What the bloody hell happened! You look a fucking mess!" Lana starts crying again.

"Caitlin happened..." I say. She lets us in and we go up into her room, Her parents are not here thank god, so we make ourselves comfortable.

Lana goes into the shower and Maddy makes me explain everything.

"They ended up pouring their drinks over each other's heads and I and Shawn watched it all"

"will that girl just leave her alone! She needs to give it a rest!"

"how long has this fighting been going on for?" I ask

"a couple of years..." she sighs "and it sucks. we all used to be such close friends bit then Lana had to start dating Shawn and when they broke up everything was such a bombsite."

"it must have been tough..."

"Yeah, it was. we lost one of our best friends and everyone at school started to bitch about us behind our back, bloody hell Ellie it was awful!" I nod along

Lana comes out madeleines bathroom in a dressing gown and a towel wrapped around her head. she looks a lot better than she did before and she looks really pretty without any makeup on.

"why did you guys lie to me about Shawn and Lana dating?" I look at Madeleine

"you could have told me you know! I wouldn't have judged you?" I say. I couldn't keep it in. its been really bugging knowing that they lied to my face and I wanted to know the truth.

 they look at each other and they both have guilty written all over each other's faces

"sorry Ellie. we feel really bad about lying to you. shawn didn't want you to know and he wanted to tell himself."

"really? why? Its okay, I forgive you guys but next time trust me with the truth okay!?" I say laughing

"I don't know why but umm thank you and we are truly sorry! we are gonna make it up to you today anyway!"

"well, you cant come to Toronto and not do touristy stuff! it's like the law and we are taking you to the beaches and up the CN Tower!"

"what is the CN Tower?"


  "The CN Tower is a 553.3 m-high (1,815.3 ft) communications and observation tower in downtown Toronto, Canada. Built on the former railway lands and it was completed in 1976,  It is now the third tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the western hemisphere, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline, attracting more than two million international visitors annually. it is a symbol of achievement and the awe-inspiring experiences that can be found throughout Canada, Ontario and Toronto."

"so it's basically a Canadian version of the London Eye. that's cool!" I say nodding, not feeling all that inspired.

I lower the pamphlet down at look up at the tower. it's very tall.

"it's not just cool, it's awesome! wait till you see the views!  did you know The CN Tower was classified as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World by the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1995?" Madeleine says from behind me.

"I didn't know that, but that's really co...interesting!" we laugh at me.

we make our way to the entrance after taking a couple photos in front of the building. A nice woman offered to take a photo of all of us and it turned out to be really cute...I posted it. we get in line for our tickets and Maddy offers to pay for them which is nice of her. we then join another mile-long queue for the elevator and we stand around for like an hour until we finally get to the front. Lana throws a slight hissy fit because she was wearing heeled sandals and her feet were hurting but by the time we got to the top we are all amazed by the height of the tower. the views are breathtaking!

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