chapter 36

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Hi guys! I am so sorry I have been so inactive on my wattpad and Instagram lately it has just been that school has been really crazy and I have had so many exams to do and revise for I have had actually no time to stop and write and I am really sorry about that, but now I am motivated more than ever to continue on this story so be sure to stick around :) x


3 days go by. 3 whole days in which I have hardly seen or talked to Shawn. He is up at the crack of dawn and leaves the house and doesn't come back until it is pitch black outside. I hear mum asking manny where he thinks he is and asks why he is not picking up the phone but Manny always says he is not sure. 

aaliyah came into my room in a huff this morning saying that she was bored and had nothing to do because her brother was not here and she wanted him to take her out for an ice cream in his jeep. thinking of his jeep, it's odd not seeing it parked in the driveway and I am guessing it is probably parked outside Charlie's house, and it makes me think in that split second, about heading over there to visit.

shaking head, I cross the lawn and knock on madeleines door. within seconds the door swings open and she is standing there with her hands on her hips and a disappointed look on her face.

"what time do you call this?! you're officially the worst person ever when it comes to time management!" she throws at me. shutting the door behind her and I follow her down the sidewalk to her mini cooper parked on the curb.

"im sorry!" I say as I press a hand to my chest in mock horror, "im so so sorry. I should not be two minutes late. feel free to burn me at the stake, o holy one!"

maddy laughs and whacks my arm just before she makes her way around her car and slides in. It's the first time I've seen Maddy since the party. After her four-day hangover subsided, she called up the house and demanded that we go for coffee to have a catch-up, because she hasn't seen me in "two years." Now I'm wishing I'd faked an illness.

"so where did you go once the party ended?" she asks me. I think for a minute to come up with an excuse.

"Ummm I borrowed this random dudes phone and called a cab and it took me home"

"borringggg!" she yells over the loud music

"what about you?" I throw her a quick glance, looking at her from beneath my eyelashes. she grows flustered under my stare and leans forward, gripping onto the steering wheel and trying to bite back a smile.

"I stayed at Owen's"

"just stayed?" my eyebrows arch.

"well, that and some other unmentionable events" a laugh escapes her lips and her cheeks go all rosy but soon after she sighs. "but I sometimes feel like he doesn't see me as his girlfriend and I just wish he would ask me out on another date already". I feel bad for her. Owen is all I have heard her speak about the whole summer and although he may only be his friend with benefits according to Lana, it is obvious Madeleine thinks something more of their encounters.

I hear Maddy vent until we get to the cute cafe where lana works. "im so freaking mad!" she huffs, finally giving up ranting but she perks up when her chai latte arrives at our table. we are sat down at a wooden table next to a big glass window looking out towards the beach. I take a sip of my tea.

"Oh, my god! I almost totally forgot!"I see lift her bag on the table as she starts rummaging around inside before out not only my purse but also my phone. "you must have left it at my house before we left to go to Ethan's. I found it in my bathroom" I stare at her.

"are you bloody kidding me! I thought I was robbed on the beach while I was drunk! I cried!" she bursts out laughing and hands over my phone, I switch it on and realised it was at full battery which had me confused. "oh I charged it for you" I smile up at her.

Boyfriend + Brother || Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now