○■chapter 18■○

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The concert is a whirlwind. singing and screaming and dancing. For my first time ever really going to a concert, it was well worth it. my head is spinning from all the loud music and my throat is dry for all my singing. we are back in the car and I am leaning on Maddy's shoulder who is asleep against the window. she smells of alcohol but I don't really care as my eyelids are really heavy.

"Hey, do you guys want to crash at my place? its a lot closer than yours and we have a spare bedroom you guys can crash in" Liam says.

"yeah that would be great, cheers mate!," Charlie says before Shawn has time to even open his mouth. he yawns and pulls off the motorway and into a neighbourhood.

the guys didn't spend much time with us at the concert they were up by the bar having a drink and talking. shawn did come down through to dance with us. he seemed a little-pissed off but I wouldn't know why because as soon as he began singing and dancing along he got noticed by the band and they pulled him up on the stage to sing along with them, of course, me and Madeleine went up too and we just danced and screamed around like mad old women on coke.

we pull into a house which I am guessing is Liams. charlie carries in a very sleep madeleine and I stumble in the house rubbing my eyes. they are blurry but I manage to fixate on where I am going. I follow everyone in and we all crash in the living room. I admire how cosy the house feels with the overflowing rows of photo frames and trophies and ornaments and other sentimental memories. liam notices me staring and says

"yeah umm my mom is a little crazy" he rubs the back of his neck. i can see that he is quite embarrassed.

"no, it's cute," I say. he groans and gets a glass of water. "my parents are out and my sister is at her boyfriend's so chill. do you wanna watch a movie?" I look around. shawn is on his phone on the sofa ignoring us and Charlie is already asleep next to him after carrying Maddy up to a bed.

" yeah, that would be cool. should we get up Netflix?" we end up deciding to watch pitch perfect and we all sit on the corner sofa, me in the middle of Shawn and Liam. we play the movie, keeping the volume down low as to not wake anyone up. I can tell there is some tension but I don't want to bring it up in case something bad happens. I have a bowl of popcorn on my lap and I am gnawing away watching the film when I feel Liam's arm wrap around my waist. I am confused as to why and it makes me feel quite uncomfortable but then I see shawns face and he looks really annoyed and Liam is smirking. what is going on between these two and why am I in the middle of it?


its about 1 am when Shawn has woken up for the third time and refuses to stay awake any longer and makes his way upstairs to bed. it's just me and Liam now on the sofa with a snoring charlie opposite us. one of the songs was playing and I start to sing along to the words and Liam joins in too laughing along. he can't really sing he just speaks the words but it's hilarious when he tries to reach the high notes.

"you know, I don't sing in front of any girl..." he says. I elbow him.

"shhh! this is my favourite bit! Jesse and Beca are about to kiss!"

"they are cute together aren't they!" he whispers. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. he looks back at me. he props himself up on his elbows with a small smirk on his face. I cant remember when we turned the lights off but I suddenly notice the darkness and how the television is lighting up his face. illuminating his features and drawing my attention to his eyes.

"I wouldn't have guessed that you ship them," I say smiling and turning back to the screen

"I ship a lot of people" he grins.

"yeah like who?"

"Ummm... Maddy and owen, Shawn and Caitlin even though they have problems..." he continues talking but when he talks about Shawn and Caitlin it makes my stomach feel all funny. how can someone like Shawn who is compassionate, sensitive and loving want to be with someone so slutty, cold and a bitchy...Caitlin?


my eyes flicker back over to Liam again. his lips that I was staring at a few minutes ago are now edging towards mine. my breath catches in my throat. this guy has some serious balls to kiss me after me only meeting me a couple hours ago. it's a good long moment until they brush my mouth, my chest is tightening and a shiver runs down my body, im getting goosebumps. his warm breath tickles my cheeks as he pauses for a moment, his face hovering by the side of mine. its as if though he is waiting for me to pull away or kiss him back. my guess is wrong as in a millisecond later his lips find mine again and my eyes flutter shut. I feel his hands make there way up from my legs up to my back where he starts stroking.

there is a soft silence with the sound of 'don't you' soundtrack playing while we lip-lock. I have kissed guys before but not in these circumstances. I have kissed guys whilst playing spin the bottle, while playing truth or dare and while being forced into a dark small room during seven minutes in heaven. I have never had a guy want to kiss me for the pure hell of it and I like it. I might be not knowing what I am doing but I know I am enjoying it.

he pushes me back on the sofa and he lies on top of me and starts moving his fingers up to my face, I move mine to his shoulders and just as his mouth drifts away from mine after a couple of minutes or so, I feel him murmer against the corner of my lips.

"you probably shouldn't mention this to Shawn. he would beat me up"

"no need to" me and Liam jolt up and peer over the sofa.

shit, its Shawn

he is standing there in just his pants with his arms crossed over his chest and he did not look an inch bit pleased at what he is seeing.its only my first week into my summer and I am already making out with my stepbrothers arch-nemesis. way to go ellie.


Thank you so much for reading this chapter I really appreciate it! Be sure to vote and I apologise for any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes! I suck at all the technical stufff so sorry...thanks again! X

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