}chapter 9{

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I slip out of the back seat and stand up outside the car. Music is playing loud and all the lights in the house are on. The detached house is big and it's also very expensive looking. whoever owns it must also be rich.

I follow the girls and we walk around the side of the house and go through a back gate. When I walk through I am hit by the smell of a barbeque and also strong alcohol. The party is in full swing and I can already see several drunk people.

There are couples making out, and lots of people are dancing by the pool some are also in the pool which was also huge.

We all break up and I end up sticking with Madeleine. I help her carry several cans of beer into the house. We walk in and dump them on the kitchen table which was also covered in many other alcoholic beverages.

Madeliene grabs a beer and walks over to a really tall and muscular guy. I obviously follow her.

"Hey Charlie thanks for having us"

He turns to us and plasterers on a fake looking smile. His teeth had obviously had a lot of work done.

"Hey ladies. Looking hot as always. Did you bring the booze??"

Madeliene nods and points to the beer bottles. She was flirting with him, twisting her hair around her fingers. He looks over to me. He looks me up and down and bites his lip. Oh my god. I can tell this guy is such a fuckboy

" hey I haven't seen you before. You new?"

Im about to say yes but Maddy butts in and says

"This is Ellie. she is here for the summer. She's hanging out with us while she is here."

" You crashing my party Ellie," he says quite sternly. his facial expressions going blank.

Before my cheeks could turn anymore pink Maddy replies

"She is shawns step-sister...from England"

His eyes widen.

"Welcome to the party, Ellie!!! Someone get these people a drink!!"

I get a vodka and coke and I head outside. I want to have fun, I haven't been to a blowout like this in ages and I wanted to party. it's summer right!? something crazy comes out of me and I pull madeleine out into the garden and together we start to dance.


Im on my 5th drink or maybe 6th...I have forgotten. Im not drunk I promise you that but I am slightly tipsy. Lana, Madeleine and I have been dancing for what has felt like hours and we are not gonna stop anytime soon. my heels are beginning to hurt my feet so I take them of a hide them under a table.

The music is loud and keeps getting louder. People are singing along and just having a crazy time.

I want to get something to eat as my stomach is grumbling hard so I leave the girls and head back inside. I get a drink another drink from the table and Shawn is there too.

"Hey having fun?" he says slightly slurred.

"Yeah this is awesome" I smile at him and look around. People were leaving the room to go outside.

"Where are the girls?" He says chugging down a beer

"Dunno. I came in here to get something to eat"

"Well come with me and we will get something from the barbie"

barbie? I follow him outside and we head over to a group of boys who are in their swimming trunks. They are all shouting and chanting something and one of then was cooking sausages on a barbeque.

Boyfriend + Brother || Shawn MendesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora