Chapter 31

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Madeleine bites her lip to stop herself from laughing as she sits down and attempts to slide off the roof of the vehicle, but she promptly falls off the side and hits the ground with a thud. The bottle of Cazadores smashes into a million pieces. I do the honour of laughing on her behalf as she groans through a series of giggles.

"Damn, Maddy," Ethan mutters. "Watch the glass." He looks stone-cold sober now in comparison with us. He steps into the garage and leans down to pull madeleine up, grimacing in disgust at the state she's in, and once he's steadied her, he searches for her top on the floor.

"We're ready to go," he says, but I can tell he's annoyed at us. While I'm still laughing in the corner, he pulls madeleine's top over her head and fixes her with a stern glare.

"How much did you drink?" neither of us answer his question, Maddy only glances over her shoulder and motions for me to come over. I awkwardly place the bottle of Jägermeister down on the ground and shuffle around the car, my eyes never meeting Ethan's. He heaves a sigh and directs us back into the pantry and through into the living room, where owen is holding open the front door. I grab my bag and follow behind Maddy as we make our way to the minivan.

And so the rest of us spend the journey cracking jokes while we laugh and laugh and laugh, and it makes me feel better knowing everyone is just as tipsy as Maddy and I are. Actually, we're not even tipsy. We're drunk, and it feels good.

The beach party is apparently a huge deal. Half of the beach, the one on the right of the pier, is sectioned off for the event, with roads closed and teachers I believe patrolling the area. When we all tumble out of the minivan in the parking area, I'm consumed by the noise of music and voices, and the atmosphere feels electric. I squint at the beach in front of us and I notice a stage set up right in the middle of the sand, with huge black speakers attached, and on it, there's a DJ entertaining the crowd.

"If any of you morons get us kicked out, I'll personally kick your ass," Liam threatens. He glances around us all, fixing us all with a warning glare. "Unless you're a girl. If you're a girl, you'll get the silent treatment."

And with that, we all head for the sand, our heads hanging down slightly as we pass some teachers. It makes me wonder if I look as drunk as I feel. I really hope not. I'll be kicked out within five minutes if I do, but thankfully we stagger onto the sand and blend in with the crowd of people around us. I expected that all of us to stick together as a group, but we don't. The guys nod us goodbye for now and head off in one direction, and I'm surprised Shawn heads off without Caitlin who skips over to her posse.

"We should totally skinny dip!" Maddy suggests, her voice loud over the music. She catches the attention of some guy around us and they give her a quick nod of encouragement.

"We should totally not skinny dip," Lana remarks. She shoots the guys a death glare and pushes us further into the crowd, and I'm so drunk that I almost twist my ankle just trying to walk. Sand finds its way into my Converse and it is the most uncomfortable feeling in the entire world, so I simply kick off my shoes and bend down to pick them up, dangling them from my hands by the laces. I nod my head in sync with the beats of the music and  I am shoved from side to side by the people surrounding us.

Before I know it I am waving my shoes in the air in time with the throbbing rhythm and receiving glares from the people by my side, mostly because I keep on almost whacking them in the face, but I feel too free and too on top of the world to apologize. Miraculously, I find myself dancing: wild and crazed dancing, but still dancing, which is quite rare for me.

The DJ on the stage is playing house music and everyone has a hand bobbing in the air and my head feels fuzzy and even the ocean is starting to roll to one side. The thing about being drunk is that you seem to lose not only your senses but also track of time. It feels like it only takes ten minutes for me and Madeleine to force our way to the front of the stage, but when I look up and see the darkening sky I realise much more time must have gone by. I'm sweating by now and when I look to my right, I realize I'm suddenly alone. Maddy has disappeared.

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