chapter 32

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Im sorry I have been really inactive but I defo think this chapter will make up for it as it is superrrrrr long!  I hope you like it. Under the ages of 13 do not recommend you reading for specific reasons but anyways I hope you all had a fab Christmas  and got spoilt rotten cuz I certainly did!. (who else got shawns perfume?) xx


Shawn carefully carries me up the steps and pauses outside the entrance. Carefully, he lowers my legs and helps me stand up straight. My legs feel like jelly when I try to stand. "How are you feeling?" he asks without glancing up, too busy fumbling around with the key and the lock.

"Embarrassed," I admit. I'm gradually sobering up after my last drink, almost three hours ago, and I'm starting to become more aware of how ridiculous I've been acting. I vaguely remember spitting all over Ethan's parents' car.

Shawn finally gets the door open and he reaches back for my arm to pull me over into the lobby of the condo building, which is bright with polished flooring. "We've all been there," he muses, trying to comfort me.

 I stare down at the doormat beneath my feet, finding it more interesting than it actually is, studying the pattern. Normally I wouldn't care, but it appears tequila is creative and enjoys the art of doormats. I only stop when I'm pulled into the condo. And God, it's really pretty. 

The living room is basking in the glow of the sunset that's shining in through the floor-to-ceiling windows around the room. Everything has a deep orange cast to it and it looks really beautiful. It's the type of sunset that you only ever see in photos, and most of the time they're Photoshopped. But up here in this apartment with the huge windows overlooking the beach, it captures the essence of real beauty. I stare at it for a while. 

"Here," Shawn says softly from behind me, catching my attention. I finally tear my eyes away from the windows and look at him. He's holding a glass of water, which he places into my hand. "Drink it. it will help." A smile toys at my lips as I lift the glass and take a long swig, only now do I realizing how dehydrated I am. It feels refreshing and cool against my throat, so I end up drinking the entire thing in a matter of seconds. 

"come and sit down," he says sweetly. He takes the empty glass from my hand and nods in the direction of the sofa behind me. When I don't move immediately, he presses his hand to my shoulder and directs me over. 

"It looks so pretty," I say once I'm safely perched on the couch. I stretch out and get comfy, my body slumped back against the cushions, my eyes focused on the windows. If I listen closely, I can just about hear the faint pumping of music. "Doesn't it?" 

"it does, its gorgeous" Shawn says. I rotate my body to face him, crossing my legs and watching him in silence as he fills up the glass again by the tap. he brings it over to me, his hands are wet and he dries then off on his jeans once he has passed the glass back again to me.

The quietness of the room contrasts with the noise of the party across the street, but there is something relaxing about it all, about the faintness of the music and the brightness of the sun as it dips below the horizon. Shawn sits down next to me and just stares at me with his arm leaning against the back of the sofa and his hand holding his jaw.

"you need to sleep your hangover off, come on" he takes a super fuzzy blanket from the arm of the sofa and lays it out flat. He beckons me to lie down and so I do. I kick off my shoes and shoo them to the side and spin my body around to lie down with my head leaning in shawns lap. I look up and I see his face smiling down at me. he takes a strand of my hair and delicately pulls it away from my eyes and tucks it behind my ear. "are you okay?" he whispers. I nod and smile.

Boyfriend + Brother || Shawn Mendesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن