^ chapter 7 ^

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just a small reminder, m sorry if there are any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. im not all that good when it comes to editing so I do apologise if some parts don't make any sense. be sure to leave a comment if I need to change anything. thank you! X


"Hey," he says sweetly

what the hell was he doing in my room?

"sorry I didn't mean to freak you out for being in here, I just thought we should talk. about you know earlier.."

I nod as I perch on the end of my desk. This was going to be an awkward conversation if I didn't say anything."


"I know what happened between the girls Shawn you don't need to explain anything!" I interrupt.

" what!? how?" he replies with a confused look on his face.

"Madeleine and Lana told me. its okay you don't need to explain yourself or anything like that. I know."

"Oh okay. thank god. because I have been dreading having to do it. when and Lana broke up it was-"

"wait, did you just say Lana!" did I just hear him say her name?

"Yeah, errr me and Lana dated for 2 years. I thought you knew!?" Shawn was now fidgeting. he was getting uncomfortable

"not that part.. but anyway it's in the past, we forgive and forget and move on with our lives as new things happen. yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift that's why they call it the present."

they lied to me but im not sure if I will bring this up with Madeleine and Lana. they probably didn't tell me for a reason and it would just create drama if I did and I don't want to spend the next month or so fighting with them.

they generally seem like nice people but it does hurt that they couldn't trust me with the truth. was Charlie even a real or was he made up?

Shawn nods his head and smiles bearing his pearly straight teeth.

"Amen to that. I like that quote. who said it?"

"Master Oogaway from kung fu panda"

We both laugh. his laugh is contagious and it just makes me laugh that bit more. We end up talking about our favourite movies.

"harry potter. 100 percent." he says straight away

"ahh, really? which one?"

"how am I supposed to pick they are all so good! " I laugh along with him.


Shawn leaves and I decide to paint my nails. I go for a pastel pink. Karen knocks on the door whilst im applying my top coat and says that we will be leaving in 30 minutes for dinner.

I decide to change my clothes so I put on a light floral dress (Aaliyah chooses it). I chuck on my ankle boots and put my hair up into a high ponytail also pulling out my wispy hairs.

I grab my bag and run down the stairs. everyone is there waiting for me. I feel slightly bad for holding them all up but we are out the door and in the car and driving to a restaurant in a matter of minutes.

Manny made a reservation earlier today so when we arrive we get taken to a far back corner of the food place. I sit next to Aaliyah as she begged me to sit next to her and I sit opposite Shawn. We search through the menus and we all order pizzas to share.

After we order the food we all sit there and chat about our plans for the holidays. turns out Manny will be working through most of the holidays and Karen has nothing to do at all. she keeps on dropping hints of things that her and I could do together like shopping, getting our nails done and going to the cinema. im not sure though if I really feel like doing any of that sorta stuff with her. I will probably end up making excuses.

When the pizzas arrive we all dig in. when im hungry I eat fast and what I realise is that I had gobbled down three slices of pizza already. Between the 5 of us, we eat 3 pizzas and 2 baskets of garlic bread. once we finish we also all order a dessert.

I and Aaliyah decide to share a cookie dough ice cream sundae and Shawn goes for a chocolate cake. The sundae is huge and I and Aaliyah polish it off and even lick out the glass. we high five each other when we finish and we then slouch as we feel like our stomachs are going to explode.

I sit up and realize I need to pee. I excuse myself and both me and Aaliyah go to the ladies room. once we are done we leave as we leave the restroom in front of us three girls stand there talking and keep on looking around like they were looking for someone. they whisper to each other and scroll through their phones. they giggle and smile and they occasionally jump up and down. what was wrong with them?

I pull Aaliyah away from them and we make our way back to the table, Manny had already paid the bill so we all slide out of our seats and make our way to the door. outside the sun is setting and I can feel a slight cold breeze. I shiver and rub my bare arms to try to generate heat.

"Hey, are you cold?" Shawn says coming out the restaurant behind me. I nod

"yeah a bit. I should have brought a jacket."I say back. looking around the square.

"here you can have my sweater," he says softly handing me a grey jumper that he was holding over his arm.

"umm, thank you," I say. I take it from him and throw it over my dress. it was quite long on me but wearing it makes me look like I have one of those jumper dresses on and it was quite cute. it was also very warm.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" i hear a shriek.

Me and Shawn turn around and there sitting on a bench are the 3 girls from the restaurant. they stand up and gallop over to us.

"oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! Shawn im a huge fan!" one of them say. I see a tear run down her cheek. her hands cupping her mouth.

"Hiya, thank you so much that's really sweet of you," Shawn says

"I love your songs so much, they are like sooooo gooood! I can't believe that you are here right now" another one screams.

"is it okay if we have a photo. it would mean so much" the third one says holding out her phone" her hands were shaking.

"yeah of course!" Shawn says taking the phone from her hand.

they snap a couple selfies and I just stand there awkwardly. manny, Karen and Aaliyah had walked off ahead of us and are probably waiting in the car.

"Sorry to ask, but is it okay if you can take a picture of all of us," one of the girls ask. she was looking at me and so were the other 2 and Shawn. he nods and smiles at me.

"yeah sure" I smile. I take the phone and hold up the camera. they all stand with their arms wrapped around each other and they are all grinning. I take a couple shots and hand the phone back to the girl.

" thank you so so much. We have to go now. Bye. thank you Shawn"

Shawn hugs the girls and waves them off.

"Bye guys. nice meeting you"

they walk of..more like skip off and me and Shawn are left. he looks at me.

"what cute girls. anyway, we should be heading back to the car," he says with a yawn. I nod and we both walk side by side to the carpark.

To be honest I kind of forgot that Shawn was famous. he is just like any other ordinary guy but people and the media make him out to be a massive pop star and singer when in actual fact he is just like any other teenager.

it was about 11 pm when we get back to the house. on the drive home, Aaliyah and I had fallen asleep. Aaliyah on my lap and I on shawns shoulder which was surprisingly comfy. he didn't seem to mind. I think he took a couple pictures as I could hear the faint sound of a camera shutter an and a small laugh.

once in the house I take off my makeup and crash into my bed. I sleep with my dress and shawns hoodie still on as im too lazy and exhausted to take it off. I fall asleep to the sound of strumming guitar. I hear Shawn playing in his room next door again. The sad song. there is a sob. something was wrong.


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