{chapter 13}

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I decide after breakfast to go for a run. I venture out the neighbourhood and head for the beach. I run down to the pier and go round, then sprint back pushing my body to its limits. When I take a quick stretch break, a car drives by booming music out loud that I hear coming from the distance. It stops at the traffic lights and a gang of boys wind down the car window and wolf whistle to me

"Looking good there miss!" one of them says winking

"hey whats your number? Maybe we can hook up some time" one of them laughs. Eugh I hate these boys.

" yeah sure it's 0 7... never gonna happen in a million years!" I shout back. I pull a pissed face and cross the road. The car speeds off and that is the end of that.

"Ellie?" I turn around and I see Shawn in tight gym clothes.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I say confused

"I was gonna say the same thing to you! Im about to go to the gym but do you maybe want to grab a drink instead?"

" I wouldn't love that anymore!" I say panting. I was out of breath.

We walk down the pier and we find a coffee shop on the corner. It was a small tearoom and it was full of old people but its cute as its a place where he won't get recognised.

We sit down at the back of the cafe and we flick through the menus. shawn orders a slice of cake and a cup of tea and I go for a hot chocolate with extra cream and marshmallows.

the waitress brings over our drinks and smiles at Shawn. I think she recognises him. she brings over a mammoth mug that is towering with whipped cream and oh my goodness does it look good. when she puts in on the table my jaw drops and so does Shawns. he laughs at me when I take a picture of it and put it on snap chat. I make sure It has a good filter on it...

he whips out his phone when I start to lick the cream off the top and starts to film. The cup is overflowing and it is the only way to do it otherwise it will spill. I dare Shawn to sniff the pepper pot and try not to sneeze and he goes for it and sneezes three times in a row and we are both in fits, to apologise I let him have some of my hot chocolate that I keep on saying is delicious.

he takes a massive spoon full and puts it in his mouth, I just laugh at him. the dimples in his cheeks rise as he smiles and laughs with his mouth closed trying not to open his very full mouth. by the time he has swallowed we are both crying. he is so funny!

"Ellie! you have cream on your nose!" Shawn grins.

"do I !?"  I feel my nose but can't find the right spot.

"here let me! otherwise, I don't think you will ever find it!" he chortles. he reaches over the table and with his finger scoops the dot of cream of me. its the smallest speck and he takes it off and puts his finger in his mouth. I look at him in slight disgust but he just smirks

"what! I can't help it! your hot chocolate is really good! especially the marshmallows" he says when taking yet another babymallow from the top of my drink.

"Hey! that your 6th one!" I argue pouting my lips.

"soreeeeee! my bad"

"why don't you just get one yourself!"i say sighing

"you know what! that isn't such a bad idea!" he laughs. he stands up and goes over to the counter. I smile and go back to sipping my now cool drink.

"Ellie! what are you doing here!?" I nearly choke on my drink but swallow it down. I see Lana with a drink in a hand smiling at me.

"Hey, Lana! how are you?" she sits down in shawn's seat and starts to tell me about her argument with her parents.

"mom was so pissed with me after the party that I have had my phone taken away! for a week! if you want to reach me you will have to call my land line now by the way...it sucks" I giggle

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