◇chapter 16◇

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I leap out of bed and hit the shower. I wash my hair and once I am out, it takes me 3 minutes to blow dry and then 4 to do something with the frizziness. I put on some mascara and a bit of highlighter and then I rummage through my bombsite of a suitcase to try to find something decent to wear. I go for a pinstripe blouse, ripped skinny jeans and red converses. I grab my bag and leg it down the stairs nearly tripping and falling, I go to the kitchen and I swing the door open.

shawn is sitting at the table in just jogging bottoms next to Aaliyah who is wearing a princess' onesie, opposite them is manny and Karen and the four of them look at me in slight confusion when they see me barging through into the room and staring with my mouth dropped low. 

shawn bursts out in laughter when he sees me

"oh my goodness I didn't think you would actually get ready in under half an hour!" he cries

"wait are you saying I just got ready in record-breaking time and you aren't even dressed yet!?" I say slightly agitated.

"Normally when a girl says they will be ready in half an hour what they really mean is an hour and a half! but obviously not you!"

"no obviously not me! I thought you were taking me somewhere really important-"

"Oh, I am! but not at 8.30 in the morning!" he replies

"oh..." I walk over to the table and collapse into a chair

"help yourself to a muffin Ellie" Manny says

I look at the table and there is a blueberry muffin sitting on a plate. I lean over, take it and start to peel away the wrapper. I bite into it, a sugary sweet sauce drips out and fills my mouth with gooey goodness and it's delicious.

"that was the last one!" Aaliyah says looking quite disappointed

"darling you have had two already and that is more than enough! we can get more!"Karen says kindly.

"I and Ellie can get some on the way back home today and we will get loads so they won't run out okay! excuse me I now have to go get ready " Shawn says taking his plate over to the sink.

"and I have to go brush my teeth for the second time," I say getting up. manny and Karen chuckle to each other as I roll my eyes and head back up the stairs.

I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth while scrolling through my twitter account on my phone. I then go into my messy room and sit on the end of my bed and call dad. its Saturday so he is most likely finishing up his shift so im not surprised when he doesn't pick up. I leave him a message and then in a matter of seconds, my phone sings Vance joy and dads face appears on my screen. I answer the call.

"Hey, Ellie" dad murmurs "how are you, honey?"

"you sound tired dad" I frown. I hate not knowing the amount of pressure he is under with his work and I am unable to make it any better for him.

"how long was your shift today?"

"10 hours" he answers quietly. but quickly before I could get a word out

"I looked after this small dog today and it was the wee dinkiest little treasure I have ever seen since you were born! we should get a dog, my love, I want one so bad!" I laugh at his randomness

"Maltese poodles are gorgeous! you should see how fluffy they are!" there is a short pause and I hear him yawn across the line.

"I will have a look around sweetheart. anyway, how have you been settling in? are you getting along with your siblings?"

"surprisingly well matter of factly and I have made new friends too! doing anything nice tonight?"

"gonna order a pizza and watch star wars I think. a perfect Saturday for your single old dad, all alone while my beautiful daughter is out enjoying herself with her new buddies and making memories to last a lifetime." he messes

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