Chapter idfk anymore

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.......I've got lazy to write but imma write XD out of boredom <_< RIP my life LOL

I groaned and opened my eyes and looked around. i tried to sit up but a pain hit me between my legs making me yelp out and lay back down. i looked over and noticed Red there looking at me with a smirk. i raised an eyebrow, "what are you smirking about?" he just hugged me close to him, making me realize neither of us where wearing clothes... he chuckled, " i think i fucked you a bit to hard~". i blushed deeply as the memories replayed in my head. i growled a bit crossing my arms over my bare chest. Red nuzzled his head into my neck and inhaled a little. "what are you doing...." i asked a bit looking at him. " just taking in your lovely sent~" "thats not weird at all..." he looked at me like if he where saying 'really?...' "you realized you fucked a skeleton...right?" he smiled his shit eating smile. "....fair enough...." i yawned and tried to sit up again taking it slow. it hurt sooooo bad but i had to get up to take care of my needs. i swung my legs over the side of the bed and went to stand only to fall onto the floor and hit my head off it, "OW FUCK!" red peeked over the side of the bed and laughed. i groaned and lifted myself up using the help of the bed to stand. i slowly walked to gather my clothes as my legs wobbled.  i just grabbed reds shirt cause it was long enough to cover me anyway.  i sat on the bed again putting it on. Red hugged me from behind letting me feel his pelvis bone against my ass. i rolled by eyes and grinded against him just to fuck with him. he grunted and dug his boney fingers into my side which hurt. i looked back at him seeing his dark blush and smiled innocently. " sorry~" he chuckled, "no your not~" i giggled, "i know~" he then licked my neck. i shivered, " your weird...." he pulled back and looked at me like 'really?...' " your calling me weird? you just let a skeleton fuck you~" i went silent and blushed looking away. he chuckled and picked me up setting me next to him and he got up grabbing his clothes putting them on. i put my hands out signaling for him to pick me up and he did, then carried me downstairs. Boss was still in his room from what i could tell. Red set me on the couch and left into the kitchen to make breakfast i guess. Boss then came down and looked at me then the kitchen door and blushed a bit. he looked back at me and walked over.  Once he sat next to my i reached out for the remote, but boss placed his hand on mine..." um boss?" i asked looking up at him weirdly. He smiled strangely it looked as it was full of...lust? i barely opened my mouth as he leans down and kisses me on the lips and holds it for three seconds before pulling away. my eyes where wide and confused, "b-boss..." i stuttered not in embarrassment but in confusion and fear. " shush i know..." he looked back at the kitchen, "please don't tell him..." he said looking back at me sorrow filling his eyes." he'd kill me..." "h-he woul-" "he would..." i went silent and stared at him. The red came in holding two plates of pancakes and bacon handing me one. " what did i miss?" he asked looking at the both of us. " nothing..." i mumbled and ate. Boss only stood up and left the house. Red shrugged an sat next to my and ate as well. after food we watched TV until Red passed out hugging me close. all i could think of was, 'why would Boss kiss me after all this time i was with Red?...' it confused me and scared me. but i let it slide for the day and snuggled against red, yawning. then i fell asleep with a look of confusion on my face.

words~ 777

okay so i haven't been writing for a bit cause im having social problems so i have to deal with that shit and im failing school a bit so idk if i can really do much...anyway sorry for short chapter im tired and TOMORROWS HALLOWEEN SO IMMA BE A REAPER EEEEE anyway! have a good day and enjoy! i love you my rad lovelies~Freshy

My Pet~ Underfell Sans x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora