Anti's Life Story...

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I awoke with a start. I sat up, but only to fall back down due to a resistance on my waist. I looked over, Red having his arms wrapped around me. I rolled my eyes and gently slapped his cheekbone. He groaned, opening an eye, then reclosing it again. I huffed and did it again. "Stopppp" he mumbled, nuzzling his face into my neck. I giggled and pushed his head away. "Let me up lazybones..." he growled but then smirked, " tibia honest with you i'm fine right here..." i scoffed at his pun. " wow your so humorous..." i smiled as he chuckled. I tried squirming out of his grip, which worked. I fell onto the floor with a thump. "Ow..." Red started to laugh. I glared at him and stood up. I looked through the bags of clothes Boss got me and found a (f/c) shirt, jeans, and a (f/c) hoodie. I put them on, feeling Red staring as i did so. I looked back at him, his cheeks a bright red and his smirk never fading. I crossed my arms and leaned on my left leg, looking sassy. "Ya done yet?" He shook his head no and looked at my face goofilly. I giggled and headed out of the room. Red quickly got dress, i could hear it. I chuckled and went into the kitchen deciding to eat some left overs from the party. Anti was there, staring at a salad which Boss was holding and lecturing at her about being healthy. Anti gave me a look, which read 'help me' . I chuckled and shrugged, opening the fridge and pulling out some (f/f). I put some on a plate and put it in the microwave for a minute. Once it was finished i took it out and grabbed a fork, sitting down at the table. Boss finally got Anti to eat the salad which she gagged on. "Why don't you like salads?" i asked taking a bite of my meal. "It's made of lettuce. That's why." she said cringing at the food. I shrugged confusedly, taking another bite. "What's wrong with it?" She looked up at me, snarling a little. "I always ate meat. Deer, beef, pork, everything, heck i even had to survive on human flesh for a year, i always had meat..." My eyes widened when she said she ate human flesh... i gulped, and tilted my head, looking away from her. "H...human flesh, human flesh..." she chuckled. "Yup...but the people were already calm down..." that didn't make the problem better! But i calmed down. I could freak out later. Boss left the room, so i took Anti's salad and gave her my meal. "Eat it..." i said, eating the salad instead. She happily ate it, knowing it was better than the salad. Once i finished i got up, placing the bowl in the sink. I left the kitchen, seeing Red was on the couch waiting. He looked at me with his famous smirk, then patted the spot next to him. I rolled my eyes then headed over, falling back onto the couch. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started to purr. I giggled, nuzzling my head against him. Today was one of those lazy days. Anti came in, sitting on the couch next to me. She then laid her legs on mine and turned on the TV. A new movie came on, i think it was called Breaking In? Basically a mother trying to save her kids from robbers or something?(NOT TRYING TO SPOIL, I HAVEN'T WATCHED IT YET EITHER!!) i sat back and watched the movie, Red snuggling my neck pretty much the whole time. I would look over at Anti from time to time to see her looking around rapidly, almost if she saw something. "Are you okay?" i asked her. She flinched, looking at me with a smile, but fear in her eyes. "Yea, just thought i saw a bug..." I tilted my head, how was she scared of bugs when she was a killer? I didn't believe her. She focused back on the TV, knowing i knew something was up. I ignored it, watching along with her. Red passed out on my neck, his arms hugging me close. I sighed, trying to unhook his death grip from my waist to get comfortable. Once i was free, i walked towards the door, then looked at Anti. "wanna go for a walk?" i asked her. She huffed, but nodded, getting up and stretching, her bones cracking once or twice. She walked over to the door, grabbing her satchel, which i didn't know she had, then opened the door, letting me walk out first. It was cold out, no doubt it turning to fall. I shivered, rubbing my covered arms, to gain a bit more heat. We ended up walking to nearby park. It was pretty there, monsters and humans got along luckily. Guess they wanted peace as much as we did. We sat on a bench, watching some monster kids and humans play. "Hey Anti..." i asked. She hummed in response, looking into the sky. "how was your life, before monsters came onto the surface?" I questioned, turning my attention towards her. She tensed, her eyes flashing into something, more scared-like. "it was...a mess..." she said, looking down. "oh? how?" i looked at her. She sighed and leaned back on the bench. "it was very brutal...bloody..." I turned my body more, curiosity filling up my mind. "tell me...please..." i asked once more. She looked at me, sadness in her sockets. "i worked for the devil..." she started, making my eyes widen a bit. "how" She sighed again, looking back up at the sky. "it was near twenty years ago, i was, believe it or not, a human...i had a simple life, apart from my father being a preacher. everyone loved him, he had no enemies...My brother however, was his favorite..." she froze, slight gray tears forming in the corner of her sockets. "i was...jealous...He treated my brother with greatness, so much that he left me to die...When i did pass to the afterlife, i met him...the devil..." i looked forward, my imagination running wild, how how i thought the devil to be. She continued, "he was kind to me...He let me stay at his castle in hell, due to me, not being the sinless being like my father or brother...he said to me, 'ill let you stay for as long as you must, ill even return your life, just work for me, and all your dreams will come true...' . Heh, you'd never believe what i said..." she looked at me, a fake smile on her face, but anger in her eyes. I gulped, "you...said yes?" i answered, she nodded. "i said yes, then i was turned into this..." she pointed towards her skeleton body. "my missions were easy, collect the souls who's lives where over due...My father being the first...and i enjoyed it...My brother saw me do it, and he hated me, calling me the devil himself..." Anti grabbed the anti-cross necklace on her chest and held it close. "i took his soul too...But then i was taken by someone by the name of Reaper...a old friend of the devils he claimed...He told me that the people i took weren't due...i took innocent lives away...and i liked it...He sent me to Underfell...where i met Red...He raised me like a dad...he told me about the AU's and how it wasn't right...But he himself was a killer...He had to in order to survive down there..." she sighed and stood, leaving me stare in fear, but more curiosity. I stood up too, then hugged her. She froze for a sec, before patting my back once and looked away. "lets...head back...Red might be awake and having a fit..." he chuckled, making me giggle. We headed back, her arm resting on my shoulder the whole time. I opened the door and nearly had a heart attack, when Red picked me up and hugged me tightly. "glad your back..." he chirped, kissing me cheek. I rolled my eyes as he set me down. I looked at Anti, who gave me a sorrowful look. I smiled, letting her know her secret was safe, which made her smile. Red Picked me up, then sat on the couch, making em sit on his lap. I went to looks back Anti, but it was like a blur as the front door slams shut. I frowned, looking up at Red, but he smiled. I smiled back and sighed. I feel scared for Anti...

Ummm i really had a dead mind when writing, but here! i also found out, i had meds for my illness, but IM ALLERGIC!! so im here coughing up blood and rethinking my life :D welp anyway enjoy! I love you my lovelies~Darky

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