The Girl

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~*Red's POV*~

I was so fucking mad i could even describe it...yet i felt like running out the door to find her...UGH THIS IS WHY I HATE FEELINGS...I leaned against the wall and slide down it till i sat. I felt something drip down my cheek, making me shake. I lifted my hand and touched the liquid...Tears...After that one followed another and another, until i just started bawling like a fucking pussy...(Me: I'm a pussycat, meow   Error: ~pets me~ Me: ~actually purrs~ Error: <_<') Boss was knocked out for a good solid couple of hours...I sighed, wiping my sockets with my arm. I need help...But the only person i knew who could helped live in that fucking city...I felt bad for her...I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my shoes. This was a trip I'm willing to take...


It was past dark when i got there...i would have teleported but you never know where you will end up in this place...I headed down a alleyway, there was a back alley hotel that she owned(make sense?), mostly for poor sap criminals, not that she minded...She was a criminal...As i got there i felt eyes on me...I looked around, spotting the hotel, someone was standing in front, in the shadows...not creepy at all...its was female though...i walked forwards and got a better glimpse of her. It was a skeleton monster. She wore white ripped jeans and had her gray magic making it seem like she had flesh. A short relish purple shirt that stopped above her stomach, which her magic almost ended below her collar-bone.  over that was a blue jean jacket with a pin on it saying, 'Best Demon Ever'. Her face was a little different for another skeleton. Her right eye had a anti-cross scar under it. Her eyes though where a skinny green pin prick and the other was a anti-cross that looked golden. a gray fire erupted from her skull , the tips of it being purple or green. her skull had strange markings, it being a blue and pointy pattern ,turning to silver and purple x's ,then going under the firey 'hair' a dark gray color. She also had a makeup on her eyes, looking like plain fire. Around her neck was a necklace, but it was a anti-cross. She smirked and came into the light, placing her hands behind her back and leaning forwards. “ello Red~. Nice to see you again.” she said with a slight Australian accent (my favorite accent ※^※). I rolled my eyes, “hello Anti…” her smile faded as she stood up straight and snuffed a bit. “what's wrong..?” she walked forwards, sensing my frustration. I tapped my chest and frowned. She huffed and nodded. “heartbroken...again…” I growled, flipping her off. She chuckled and motioned me to follow her into the hotel. I did follow but kept my eye out, knowing the worst killers lived here. Soon enough we made it to the main office where she lived. And DAMMNNNN it was Niiicccceeee. She had like the best shit ever. Huge flat screen TV, leather couch with new technology in it. A million dollar kitchen. Like wow. She grabbed a beer from the fridge and some mustard for me. Once I got it I chugged it, like I was gonna die if I stopped. “slow down there, mate..” she chuckled and fell back onto the couch. I sat next to her and leaned my head onto her shoulder. “wanna tell me what's wrong, honey..?” she spoke softly. I sniffed, “a-a girl I loved, I saw her...k-kissing boss…” she hummed and patted my skull. “well I knew boss since he was small, so I think it was him who forced her...just a guess..” she shrugged and clanked her teeth against my skull sweetly. By now I was a crying mess. “shh, it's okay, shh.. Where is she now?” I shrugged. “i-i kicked her out...shit..She still has my shirt…” I huffed wiping my sockets. She tensed up. “wait..was she wearing your shirt and jacket with no pants…” I nodded, confused. She sprung up and set her beer down. “um well heh...that's goons be a fucking problem…” sweat ran down her skull. “what is…” my eyes narrowed. She gulped, “um...Undyne has her…” I jumped up. “WHAT!?” she nodded. “ I was out getting some beer and um I saw a girl, wearing your shit, and um undyne grabbed her and took her away…” my eye flared, “AND YOU DIDNT STOP THEM!? WHAT THE FUCKS WRONG WITH YOU!?” her hair flared up untill it consumed her whole skull, “DONT you EVER. Yell at me AGAIN!” she then summoned a scythe with diamonds encrusted (melted into basically <- for dumb people)  into the blade. I calmed down and so did she. “your lucky that I know where they at…” I sighed in relief, “please help me get my baby back..” she leaned onto her scythe and smirked. “okay..I'll help...I'll get your girl back...but you gotta helped with something…” I nodded putting my hands together. “anything…” her eyes glowed brightly at my response. “help me get to my universe….” I nodded. “deal..” can't be that hard...can it?...I'm coming for you (Y/n)...

A CHAPTER WITH MY OC AAAAA Error: calm down sweetheart…  fuck you error I'll do as I please… Error: do me~?....   um...maybe-UM BYE I LOVE YOU MY LOVELIES~ DARKY! Error: bye..

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