1: Silent treatment ends today

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You're my life line and you trying to kill me.


It was night time and the end of Namjoon's shift. He sighed while getting into his car as he saw the documents on the passengers side. He picks up the documents rereading the big bold titled letters:


How could she finalize something so serious without his consent or signature? He had found them in one of her drawers when he was looking for his tie. The words in bold, centred on the page broke his heart. He couldn't understand why. Fourteen good years. Fourteen good years of being married. The laughter and tears, the joy and pain, the hate and love and all the memories inbetween led to this. Divorce.

He was certain that nothing could break them apart after all they've been through. But the documents in his hand said otherwise. He started questioning himself, the usual 'what did I do wrong?' kept popping in his head. He listened to and heard her words, he always gave his shoulder for her to cry on, he was patient and humble with her. They were a perfect clash, a perfect gong, a love that made no sound or cry for help. So, how could all that lead to divorce? He thought.

He bangs the car door shut and throws the papers back to the passengers side. Marriage is a tough deal breaker and has a lot of its beauty as well as it's flaws, were one is weak the other is strong.

If he had to compare the flaws to the sunshine he'd probably not get that many. But recently, she had became distant, making the flaws a lot higher then the sunshine. The past few months have been hectic. They still are hectic.

Yesterday alone, she hardly ate and cried herself to sleep. She didn't even sleep in their room, she slept on the sofa and Namjoon carried her to bed. Between the two it became less talk and who can win the silent treatment. She was as silent as a pin.

Maybe she was having an affair with someone else, he thought. Never, she wouldn't stoop so low. She loves him, he was positive. But then again, the silent treatment, sneaking in and out the house, barely having conversations, keeping secrets and having a whole folder of divorce said something else. If she was having an affair, she wouldn't be too guarded or constantly showing agitated or depressed behaviours.

Or something was wrong and she was afraid to tell him- all thoughts run through his mind as he pulls up in the drive way and enters the house. The silent treatment ends today.

His first thought leaves his brain the moment he enters the house. The house is a mess, the biggest mess he had ever seen. The whole house is turned upside down and not a single lamp is upright. The chairs have lots of stains and the pillows are all over the floor. A dark gruesome color of red is spread around the walls making it hard for Namjoon to even breathe. Bloody fingerprints and deep dents are forcefully imprinted on everything. All the mess leads straight to the kitchen door, which is off its hinge.

The kitchen floor is barely visible as it's covered in different colours of shredded plates. The trashcan as well as the refrigerator are both knocked down, displaying the takeaway Namjoon ate yesterday by himself and latest groceries he bought.. ruined now.

Namjoon hastily turns around running out the scene and to the only place he knew she would be, especially on her off day. She would sleep in the room the whole day.

His face twists with confusion as he walks towards their bedroom when he spots a long trail of... dried stains of blood on the carpet.

Amongst the damp carpet lays a little piece of paper soaked in blood. His heart thuds hard against his chest as he picks up the note. Immediately he can tell that it's not finished as the ink of the pain jerks right across the page till the end.

It reads:

My dear beloved
I'm so sorry for not being honest with you. Non of this would have happened if I only told you the truth. I'm in danger. Bad people are looking for me. That's why I'm running away. I love you so much, but I don't want to get you invol-

And that's where it ends. He swallows back immediately opening the door of the room. He peeks inside and his heart stops as his whole world begins to shatter.


"Sir please calm down and tell me what happened?"

"I-I -I don't know- I sa-saw her- on on th-e bed, - her blood all over- She-she isn-t mo-moving or or or bre-e-athi-ng breathing. Please, please- help me!"

"We are locating you, please stay on the line sir. Help is on the way right now."



Everything seems to go in slow motion as he rushs to her side.

"Oh god! Oh god! Sindy no! Please -" he cries. His hand under her damp clothes when he tries shaking her motionless body. Her eyes are wide open with blood enclosed around her pupils. Not only her eyes but her whole body is disturbing, shocking with revolting red marks.

The whole bed is soaking with her blood, the walls, the carpet, the drawers- everywhere.

"No!" He cries out loud.


He was a red motionless man. The dried blood on his hands, face, shirt, pants, hair and shoes.

The silence in the air was a painful scream to his ears. He sat quietly on the hospital chair waiting. He was afraid to let his mind think.

So he just let it be. But he knew that one day, he'd get justice for her.

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