27: I might even be the rat

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You must be an omen. Needed you to show me that without you I'm lonely


"Alright. Alright,"

I watch Taehyung slowly pace up and down in his office, holding his phone to his ear. Since we got to the warehouse he's been on his phone. The conversation seemed intent and was something I was dying to hear. His expression gave me nothing but pure seriousness. He cuts the call and rubs his hair out of his face letting it fall back.

"What's wrong?" I ask walking over to him laying my hand on his shoulder.

He sits on the table folding his arms. "Jimin got arrested."

"What?" I ask stunned by what he says. Just yesterday night I told Namjoon that Jimin is the crafter and creator of the scene to make people look dead but with false information and I sent him an address that I overheard Taehyung telling Jimin where to put the body. And already today he's arrested. "Taehyung speak to me.. let me help you clear your head,"

"I got off the call with Hoseok. He said the cops came to the club looking for Jimin. Dispute happened and then they began chasing them out the strip club and eventually shot Jimin and arrested him. He's in a holding cell and I can't bail him out until they prove him not guilty by the city court." He says tiredly, still thinking on the side. "What I can't understand is that we dealt with that issue of Jimin yesterday night. We cleared out his name but they're still suspecting him."

"Suspecting him of what? Cleared him from what?" I ask trying to understand. These detectives work fast and don't waste a single detail or information. What Namjoon and I see as little they work their way around it.

Jungkook barges in the midst when Taehyung's about to answer. For the very first time he doesn't look cold but instead looks way ready deadly and aggregated. "Why'd you tell Jay to let him go?"

"Because we have a snitch amongst us." Taehyung calmly replays still in his own zone.

"That's not my business–"

"It should be. Because everything we're doing is being monitored" He insists standing up while running his hand through his hair.

"Zha! We've been preying to get our hands on this man since his dumb daughter refused to talk and now we got him. And you what?" He claps his hands walking to Taehyung's face. "Set him free. Do you know how long it'll be to get him back?"

"Why can't you understand that we need to lay low for the time being?" Taehyung emphasises each of his words to Jungkook. By the way they're arguing it seems like they've been doing this for a while now. I bet they weren't like this before me.

"Lay low? Since when have we laid low? You're getting soft." Jungkook's about to walk out on Taehyung but then he spots me by the corner. Oh crap. "The fuck is she doing here?"

I shiver at his cold tone once he snaps. "Don't start with her–"

"In a place of working to get the man that you've been desperately seeking. You're with her." He points to me looking into Taehyung's eyes and chuckles. "Oh that's right, I forgot. You want to walk out on us. That's right, I heard. You wanna leave all this behind in order to be with her and what? Get us to clean up your mess?"

"That's not what's gonna happen–"

"You've been talking about rats being amongst us. Have you asked your girl who's she's been sending those files to?" Jungkook poses making Taehyung slowly turn his head to my direction.

"What files?" Taehyung asks seriously and my heart beats really fast. "Akai–"

"I don't know what he's talking about!" I shake my head moving a bit forward, hoping he'll believe it. "I swear I don't know what he's on to."

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