28: Everyone's scared

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Am I in love with you (Am I in love with you) or Am I in love with the feeling

3 days later: Night time 

Are you sure?

Yes. I'm really sure that he might have something to do with her death.

Why Jungkook? I thought it would be Taehyung. I was really getting ready to throw him in prison.

Okay  •_• first of all I really want to know what happened between you and Taehyung. What did he do?
Secondly. Did you know that Sindy's dad was Jungkook's dad?

That's impossible. Sindy was an only child and her father was really faithful to his wife.

I don't know the story. But what I do know is that Sindy's father wasn't at all a saint. He did very bad things. I'll try and ask Taehyung

Are you sure that's safe? After what you told me about what happened days ago.

I don't know if it's safe. But Taehyung will tell me..
You still didn't answer my question

The elevator chimes and opens up. I look up from my phone seeing Taehyung enter in the living room with his hand around his neck. He calmly walks down the two steps tiredly making his way to rests on the couch next to me. For the first time in a really long while he doesn't smell like blood. He lays his head on my lap and removes his shoes throwing them far along with his blazer.

"My baby is upset," I resist telling him to pick them up because of the way he's looking. It's a look that's mixed. He's exhausted and evenly stressed because of the way his lips form a really thin line. I bend down giving him a kiss. "Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?"

"No," he shakes his head smiling while bringing his hand around my neck. "I wanna keep kissing you,"

"You can't kiss the pain away," I mutter but I still give him a peck.

"Alright," he sits up and I close my phone quickly before he sees who I'm chatting with. "Let me first go to bathroom,"

I nod my head watching him stride away in his socks. I pick up my phone reading Namjoon's last message.

It's a long story
Are you still there?

Taehyung just came back. It's my chance to ask him

You're still going to ask?

Don't worry I'll be careful
And I'll record too
Chat with you later

I go out of messenger going to voice recorder and laying my phone upside down just as it begins recording. I walk to the kitchen leaving the water in the cattle so that I can prepare some food for him.

"You don't have to worry about making food tonight. I'm not that hungry," he sneaks up behind me laying his head on my shoulder with his hands on my waist.

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