18: Touch her and you die

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And I'm back to my ways, cause I'm heartless. All this money and this pain got me heartless.

Days later

"How was work Apple doll?" He asks already changing gears getting onto the streets. I look out my window spotting Jin with a slight frown watching the car drive away. I wish to just tell him that I'm not really choosing Taehyung it's only because of circumstances.

A few days have passed since he told me about what happened between Namjoon and Taehyung. It's also been days since I've last seen Namjoon. He's been busy with work or as I see it, he's been trying to avoid me.

It's been hard getting information out of Taehyung as he only wants one thing. But even though, I still try to deliver all information to Namjoon. Even the smallest bit. The only information I haven't given is that Zha is Taehyung.

Which is way I'm so happy when Taehyung says,

"I hope you don't mind coming along with me to the warehouse." He focuses on the road driving at an appropriate speed. "There's something I need to do real quick. I want to see what you're wearing."

"Liar," I smirk already knowing what he wants.

He laughs charmingly. "Okay, so can you bend over for me?"

"Sure," I say reluctantly sitting up in my seat removing the seatbelt to be able to stretch my body across his legs and giving him full access to my lingerie. He grips onto my butt slowly roaming his hand around.

"That's a nice colour,"


The time we reach the warehouse it's 9pm. He went to his normal business sorting out some issues with a buff man who had fake permits before going on the road again to the warehouse. I slept through most of the ride only to realise that he was shaking me.

"Hey apple doll," he smiles upon seeing my sleepy face. He drags the seatbelt across my body before locking it. "I need you to stay in the car, okay?"

I nod my head not really listening to him. He closes the door and walks away. I follow his figure with my eyes wondering what he's doing.

This is clearly the other business and not his typical day to day operation.

The car is parked outside the warehouse not even a little spark of light in sight. I shiver in my seat under the dark night sky. I look out the window noticing how there's a long empty road, further down there's a surrounding of dark trees.

Where is this place?

I turn back to the warehouse realising just how big it is, five stories. This is probably where Sindy was held, and if I'm right that means I have to go in. I pluck out the seatbelt and put my heels on.

I unlock the car door stepping out immediately feeling the wind blowing my skirt upwards. Shit! I shut the door not knowing where to go first, looking at the woods behind or the warehouse where Taehyung entered.

My heels click on the ground as I walk carefully into the warehouse. I make it to the entrance looking from left to right, there's no door but a big space.

I walk on the ramp turning left as Taehyung did. The hallway is dark, extremely dark.

I keep walking while holding onto the wall making sure my heels don't make much sound. There's a curve in the wall and I turn left again sighting a dim light by the end of the dark hall.


I croak and kick forward clawing the person infront of me. Somebody else grabs me from behind blocking my mouth giving the person infront of me access to grab my legs.

I harshly swing my legs back and forth stabbing his chest with my heel before going for his groan with my other heel. He arches over in pain, the man behind me drags me as I struggle using my nails to claw his arms but it doesn't work, very soon the other man holds my legs tightly again forcing me to swing them towards his face. The man covers my face with his hands making me anxiously furious as I struggle to be set loose still kicking hard. They walk fast and struggle to keep me in their hands. 

"Ey boss! Look what we found!" I can hear the man behind me saying before removing his hands from my face.

I shake my head but the man blocks my mouth with his hand holding me tightly. Taehyung watches my face with no emotion. His face is cold and there's no hint of the friendly Taehyung I know. He makes a move by stepping away from the table, where a group of men are seated including Jay.

"Some bitch tried to sneak in here," the man behind me babbles. I see Jay standing up but Taehyung signals him to sit down.

"What happened to him?" Taehyung asks looking to the guy who's holding my legs tightly while still clinging to his manhood.

"Bitch fucked up his dick," Upon hearing that I kick the man further away from my legs scouting him away. He drops my legs making an ear piercing sound that he's in pain.

"Damn you!"

I look back to Taehyung seeing him with a gun- my eyes enlarge as he shoots the man groaning in pain twice before the man falls to the floor.

"Leave her."

The man behind me wastes no time letting me go immediately. "Apple doll duck," I hurriedly go down hearing another echo of the gun going off. I stiffly stand looking behind me seeing a gruesome pud of blood forming around him as a bullet striked right in the middle of his sculp.

Head shot.

I sprint to Taehyung as he meets me half away holding onto my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" I nod my head but I bet he can still see the leak in my eyes. Non the less he nods his head turning back to the rest of the crew with his hand in mine. "Touch her and you'll end up like those two. Dead." he warns. "Speaking of dying, whatever happened in that club must not happen again. Dismissed. I'm leaving."

"Zha." One man speaks up. His eyes are more cold and deadly then Taehyung. "Who's she?"

"None of your concern." Taehyung says going behind me with his hand on both my shoulders. "You're concern should be to keep my warning. Whatever happened in that club, must never happen again."

The man who spoke the first time speaks again. "Did you just brush me off? I asked you who's the girl." He stands up with a challenging glare.

Taehyung holds my hand again. This time he looks beyond pissed. "Slick. I don't want trouble with you. First clean up the mess, then you can ask. But until then, whatever happened in that club must never happen again."

The man, also known as Slick turns his gaze to me. It's short, but it's enough to let me know that my life is now in the dark. Any wrong move and I could get killed. Instantly.

"Let's go Apple doll," Taehyung whispers in my ear. I turn around meeting his eyes, that are suddenly back to normal and more trusting. My life is in his hands as long as I do what he says. I nod my head.

"Apple doll." The man, Slick, echo's in the back. Taehyung's eyes on him are cold but they return to normal when they're on me.

"Let's go," his fingers slide into mine and we walk together. I turn my head back to the group seeing all the man leaving. All but Slick. I look away from his glare walking faster next to Taehyung.

"He's scary. He looks like he'll kill me." I voice my fear to Taehyung.

Taehyung turns his head back and looks away rolling his eyes. "He won't. You're with me, don't worry."

What did I get myself into?

"Slick." Taehyung speaks up and turns back to the man. I force myself to look at him only to have his eyes on me. Untamed and wild. He will kill me. "I'm gonna personally warn you. Touch her and you die. Got that?"

His eyes leave mine just as he unfolds his arms and walks away going to the same door where the others left.

"I don't think he got that." I pipe. I look back to Taehyung.

"Trust me. He did."


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