20: My girl is doing something special

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You're gonna have to do more than just say it. You need to prove it

Namjoon finishes eating placing his food in the sink and washing it. His eyes suddenly look out the window to his house. Sometimes he wishes he could turn back time and stayed in the house with her instead of going to work. This wouldn't have happened if he-

He stops himself shaking his head, having hope that Akai would find out what happened to her.

He angrily chuckles releasing that he has placed his hope on a girl who will break him.

He turns back to the table and laptop deciding he's going to focus on his work to get his mind off both Akai and Sindy.

His phone rings and he sees the caller's ID. It's Akai. So much for getting his mind off her. He quickly answers hoping everything was fine.

"Akai are you okay? Is everything alright?" He asks.

Akai takes in a deep breath before speaking. "I guess it's normal. I... Called to check up on you,"


"Yeah.." and also because I couldn't keep my legs closed. I'm sorry.

Namjoon hears the struggle in her voice but doesn't push it. "I'm great just tired. Actually I was thinking of going inside the house."

"What? Really?" Akai asks in surprise. She wished to be doing that with him. Amongst the reason she was pushing herself through all this was so that Namjoon could be with her and not constantly have to wonder or worry about Sindy's murder. "I wish I was there,"

Namjoon smiles hearing that. Even if he was angry at her stubborn behaviour, he still couldn't resist her generousity. "Don't worry. I won't go in without you. So. Where are you?"

"Warehouse. Zha's office," still on the table with my guilty body. "Zha left. I've got the whole office to myself, I guess I could search for things,"

"Good idea. Is there a computer? Laptop? Anything technological?" He asks.

She looks around getting off the table tugging her navy work dress down before opening the drawers. She felt sticky. She needed a bath. "Yes. I found a laptop." She pulls it out from one of the drawers. "I found two."

"Any hard drives?" I open different drawers seeing none. I check on the other side as well as on the shelf.


"Something like that has to be secured at all times." He leans back on his seat thinking.

"I'll check for it at the pent." She responds. "I'm sure I've seen it around,"

"That'll be too risky. Wait where did you say he went?" He asks again.

"I don't know. He just left.." she begins to feel a big urge to chase him. "I'll go–"

"No. Just stay where you are. Search his office, shelves, check everywhere," he stops her. "Make sure before you to check on him that his office has been searched thoroughly. I'll leave you to it,"

She frowns and makes a fake cry. "I already miss hearing your voice." She says.

He smiles and wishes her luck searching. He was hoping for some good news before cutting the call. "I can only hope now,"

2 weeks later...

Namjoon ends the call with a big smile. He just got one client to hand out a large sum of money.

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