7: Whenever you're free come by

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I stumbled but never fell, instead I was pulled into a hug that transformed me- Me



"Thank you so much Namjoon. This walk really freed me," I stand on my porch searching for my keys in my bag. I retrieve them and turn the lock, I enter and grab his umbrella by the door. Turning back to him I smile and clutch the umbrella with my hand.

"Thank you,"he smiles planting the still down. "I was wondering," he starts, handing me my flask. "If you'd like a cup of tea someday." He asks.

"Lucky for you Namjoon I work at a café up the street, so I would gladly like your offer." He smiles

"Up the street as in Jin's Café or? " he asks.

"Yes, how'd you know?" I chuckle lightly. Our uniform is just a plain and simple white dress, no tags, no nothing. "Have you been there? I've never seen you,"

"My wife and I..." His smile drops and a fake one appears. ".. used to go there. Jin is a good friend of mine," he clears his throat and looks down. "Well I should take my leave,"

I want to press him more but it's rude, he didn't do that to me so I should respect him..and trust him.

"Oh yes, I probably took much of your time." I say holding my hands together. "Thank you again, it was very lovely of you." He shakes his head grinning.

"No, I offered to walk you home. It was defiantly my pleasure," he sighs. "So I'll see you..." He slyly smiles.

"Sure. Whenever you're free come buy." We exchange our farewells and he's off. His coat covers up his tall frame and makes him a bit buff. I close the door lightly turning around with my head pressed against the door with a smile.


Namjoon lies on his bed in the trailer gazing up at the ceiling. He missed Sindy so much. He thought about what Akai had said about Dean.

How is it that love can be unrequited? How is it possible for only person to catch feelings alone. Akai clearly felt an attachment to Dean but he couldn't bother to attach himself to her. Whereas Namjoon felt an attachment to Sindy yet she wanted to file for a divorce... Or maybe she was forced. Because you can't spend 14 years of your life with someone you don't love. Can you?

What pushed her to sign a divorce document was really unknown to Namjoon. Just like Akai, he loved Sindy so much, he didn't know what pushed her to do it. He always opened his eyes and kept her safe. What he didn't know was that she was suffering, she chose to suffer alone with her problems.

What he did know was that some thugs entered their home and killed her, the investigators are up to the chase and have called him in whenever they found something new. He really wanted to get down to bottom of it. Why would thugs come in their home and kill her? If they were there to steal, he'd understand that maybe she was in the way but because they stole nothing and just killed her. It raised questions. It was planned.

He tosses, twists and turns feeling his headache growing. He quickly sits up rubbing his face, just like that the tears stream down exploding all the self control he had managed to have. He breathes in and out tiredly standing up walking crookedly and slowly to the door of his trailer. When he opens it he sits on the little stoop and watches his house, letting his tears run down his face feeling as the warm liquid puffs his eyes. He muffles his face in his shaking hands trying to wipe away the tears.

What did I do Sindy?

What did you do?

After a couple of hours spent hitting the door and blaming himself, he calms down and walks back inside looking at his window. He bids his goodnight trying not to wail himself again.

He lies on his bed facing the wall. His thoughts move from Sindy  to something light, Akai. Why had he asked her for coffee? Because he wanted to see her again.. He smiles at how he spent a small portion of the evening with her and thanks the Lord that he didn't work overtime, otherwise he wouldn't meet her.


3 days later..

At work while weighing the tables Akai keeps a careful watch on Namjoon.  Glancing over at the table, Namjoon is sat with Jin. Her mind was at work but her focus was on Namjoon. His visit here was for her defiantly, but as he saw Jin memory after memory filled his brain and he wanted to catch up with Jin. So basically their little 'date' turned into a Jin and Namjoon date inatead.

He unexpectedly walked through the doors his eyes searching for her. When he spotted her, Jin practically came out of nowhere and yelled ecstatically. Ecstasy filled the air as Jin and Namjoon hugged tightly, a bond Akai never thought two guys would show or share.

Jin led Namjoon to a table near the window back corner. They spoke and laughed while Akai watched in contentment, she was happy that they were seeing each other after what felt like they hadn't in a long time.

At this point both males could've teared up.

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