9: Take a chance. Take a chance with me

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But I know what I am and the life I live. Time will tell if you're meant for this


Akai watches Namjoon stand near the restroom looking down. The call, judging from the name, looked really important.

Namjoon nods rapidly and looks over to Akai. How rude of him to just leave her on their supposed 'date', but what he had to attend to was more important.

He walks back to the table taking out his wallet.

"The coffee was amazing but unfortunately I have to leave," he says. "Something just came up." He explains further hoping to get a reaction.

"Oh... That's okay. I guess I should leave too. My shift ended a long time ago, according to him." She motions to Jin, who's busy smiling gleefully at them. Namjoon chuckles and then nods. "Thank you for coming. It was..good seeing you,"

He smiles and helps her up - out of habit. "Can I walk you home?" he offers.

"That would be nice, yes,"


"I hope I'm not being too forward or personal but you looked agitated on your phone call. Who were you talking too?" She asks him and from the corner of her eye she sees he becomes stiff but quickly reclaims himself. She doesn't know why, but she really wanted him to open up to her. "Talk to me, please,"

Its silent for a second but then he clears his troat. "I was on the line with a detective. He's working on my wife's murder."

"You're wife was murdered?" Akai's heart throbs. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.. I never even.." She tries to remain calm but the news is too traumatic. He mentioned his wife once but she never thought that she was murdered or.. gone. "How long?"

"Five months." he says tightly. He doesn't share his story with Sindy to anybody. The person would have to earn his trust first. Akai looked trustworthy but he didn't want to take chances. He didn't want to open up his heart too early. He looks into the distant focusing on a tree.

She follows his gaze to the tree in the middle of a fountain. "The fountain of luck," she holds his hand leading him closer to the fountain. "Do you believe in luck?"

He shakes his head. "I make my own luck,"

"Is that so?" Akai asks whilst opening her purse taking out her wallet. She scours for any coins and luckily she finds some. "Take a chance. Take a chance with me,"

She turns to Namjoon with two ₩50 coins while to her surprise he holds two folded notes. "Is this enough?" he fidgets while unfolding the notes to reveal ₩50,000 and all together it' ₩10,000.

She takes the money from his fingertips. "It will defiantly be enough for my groceries," she unfolds the notes and place it in her wallet.

He looks at her, his face still bewildered. She chuckles lightly and explains to him. "You weren't kidding when you said you were an office man with no sunlight!" She hands him a coin.

"Nobody throws notes in the fountain, only coins." She explains. "It's suppose to sink to the bottom, not stay on the surface. See it this way, this coin in your hand represents you and your problem, that's why it sinks to the bottom."

"What does that mean?"

"It means you taking a leap of faith and jumping in the water," she tosses the coin in the fountain. It springs up forward from her thumb landing with a sprinkling "drrp!"

Please, mother nature, bring back my smile

"And you hope that all your problems will sink down and a solution will come." She smiles and turns to him, but he quickly looks away but not quick enough because she caught admiration in his eyes.

"Like a wish?"

"Yes." She takes charge and folds his fingers into a ball. "But that sounds too magical."

"Oh," he responds. "You don't believe in magic?" He chuckles.

"I don't, but this is about belief and faith,"

"Faith as in religion?"

"No, just faith. What ever you believe will come true..will come true."

He looks at her for a second and closes his eyes for a spilt second. If this is a wish, then he'd have to think realistically..

Please let their be real evidence this time with the detective

He opens his eyes and throws the coin in the fountain. After hearing the drrp sound he gets an idea. He puts his hands in his pocket. He turns and faces her with a smile. "I'll take a chance with you,"



My heels cluck on the floor and my short dress moves smoothly with the wind. My fingers cling to the side preventing it from swaying upwards. His phone starts vibrating again.

He picks it up and holds it to his ear. His eyes enlarge and he mumbles a quick reply before cutting. I never noticed it before but when I look closer at him I see dark circles under his eyes.

"Who was that?"

"The investigators. I forgot all about them." He sighs and puts his hands deeper in his pocket. "The station route is the other way and I'll be late... so I guess we can part here,"

I look around the boutique stores and Café shops. He looks at his watch and tilts his head. "Unless... uh.. Do you...want to accompany me to the station?" He seems hesitant when saying it.

I stare at him and my heart melts a little. Nobody has ever taken a serious chance with me, in fact nobody has ever taken me seriously. Jin is most likely the only person who has taken me seriously when it comes to making coffee or making skin products for him. Nobody else has ever looked at me like this..even Dean. He looked at me like I was nothing more than a body pleaser. So for Namjoon to look at me like he really wants to include me is a lot... maybe I'm reading too much into it.

"I'll still bring you back," he says hopefully. "It just feels wrong leaving you here,"

I nod my head as a short reply.

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