15: Why all the distance? Come closer

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I don't know where to go, what's the right thing. I want my own thing so bad I'm going to scream.

Namjoon tries to focus on his work but his eyes drift to the clock on the wall.

The hours suddenly feeling too long.

He didn't like the idea of Akai being out there alone without him. They had just found each other but now it seemed to him that they were slowly loosing each other.

He picks up his phone on the table going to his photos. He opens a picture that he hasn't payed mind to in a long time.


It was a selfie she took with his phone. He was in the background sleeping on the bed while she was nested on a pillow. He slides to the next photo, Sindy and him both smiling into the camera and his arm around her tiny frame. He goes on to the next picture.

And the next.

And the next.

And the next.

His eyes linger on her brown eyes. He lost her. Forever. But then, he found someone that was slowly allowing him to open up again. Akai.

He doesn't want to loose her to the same people that Sindy died in the arms of. He wants to protect her but also she wants to help him.

He types in a message and sends it to her.

Once again his phone is put back on the table and his fingers scheme the keyboard before typing out a new record for the unopened accounts.


I stand next to Jay while looking around the warehouse. Its really dark. A lot can happen in here and I wouldn't even notice.

Jay stands behind me and puts his head in between my shoulder. "Don't be nervous," he whispers. "Zha might scare you but if you remain confident he'll overlook that you are a more then just a mistress,"

I nod my head and turn to him. He leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

"Don't do that Jay," she thinks of Namjoon's words.

I'm starting to doubt this plan. Involving myself in Zha's gang, all for Sindy. I don't want to fall in my own trap.

Jay strokes the spot he kissed with his thumb and looks into my eyes. His lips tint upwards. "Sorry," he says. His eyes go over every inch of my face. "Don't let him break you," his eyes look behind me and I follow.

A black car enters through the large entrance a and parks close to us. The front door opens and a man with a hoody steps out. He opens the door of the backseat standing buff and strong like a bodyguard.

A well groomed expensive man steps out. In all Gucci. He's wearing skinny smooth leather pants with a black blazer covering him. His hair is slick light mint and his eyes are hidden from his costly shades. He strides out like a god. I contain myself and explore him as he is radiating confidence.

He has a smirk carved on his lips and stands in front of me. He removes his shades revealing emerald eyes.


His eyes slowly travel along my face and down to my body.

"The look of love is in the air," Zha rants. He puts his glasses in his pocket. "In your eyes,"

I tilt my head to the side stepping away from Jay. Right now Zha is my main target, all focus has to be on him. "Love is not my weakness,"

"It shouldn't be your strength either," he uses his index finger to trace the sides of my face. "You look fierce and worthy to be my personal. But,"

Before I can grasp what he says, his hand grabs my neck squeezing it. I cling onto his arm but he squeezes my neck tighter. I bite my lip and keep my eyes on him.

"I don't like taking chances," his hand lightly loose but still on. "Besides your beauty, are you worth it?"

"Am I?" I answer back causing him to let me go.

He smirks and cups my cheeks getting close to my face. "Your beauty can save you from many things but it can never save you from my wrath."

"Is that so?" I question him. He laughs, but before he can answer Jay interrupts him.

"Zha I-"

Jay backs away when Zha gives him a look. "Your job is done. You've brought me the girl now you can go back to relaxing until further notice. Unless you want her."

Jay looks at me and I see his battle. He shakes his head. So much for nothing goes wrong when Jay's around.

"Good." Zha says. "I hate sharing what's mine," he let's me go and I stand straight again.

My hands quickly rub on my neck and I take heavy breaths. My eyes are glued to his and he smiles. "Was that too tight? Sorry."

I put my hands back down assuring him I'm okay. He begins to circle me very slowly examining my body.

"You are my girl now. No harm will come your way if you do exactly what I ask you to do. Got it?" He asks.

I smirk. "Why would harm come my way when I have you?"

"Beautiful," He nods his head with a pleased smile. He places his hand out for me. I take it, following him to the car.

Jay is on the passenger's seat and looks at me dully as I enter the car.

Zha gentle pulls me in next to him when he enters. "Why the distance? Come closer." The car starts moving.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I sit on it a bit hard muffling the sound. That must be Namjoon.

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