30: In the flesh

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Here I go, what can I say. It's what saves me everyday, into such a lovely place. Your presence is way I can not deny. For this is just right, see now it's our love.


Taehyung's pov

Loco enters my office with his hands in his pocket. I look up from the list of guys I still have to go look for.. well going to look for. My head is still blank and clouded after yesterday's greatest fail. I lost Akai as well as Jungkook and Jay, but I got the guy I was looking for, but in my case I still lost. For the first time in years, I looked myself in the mirror today and couldn't find one reason why I should smile. I lost all my will and passion. I killed my best friends and let the woman I love escape.

I started doing this because I thought I was doing my father a favour, paying respect to his death by doing the same to the people who did this to him but all this time I was actually making him go deeper in his ground. My dad loved and lived and all I've done is kill and destroy. Seeing Akai cry and look at me in fear did something to me- I couldn't handle it. I don't even want to think about it.

Loco sits on the chair infront of my table and looks at me. We had just come from a short meeting, I explained to the crew that there was no longer a point in going after the last few men. Simply because my two right hands have been killed and that they're not enough members to continue the job. They were all shocked, not only at the decision to stop but that Jay and Jungkook were killed. It's true that nobody but myself tolerated Jungkook, but no one can deny that he was essential to our team. Jay was a people favourite. Besides Jungkook having my back all the time, Jay was closer then ever. I could trust Jungkook and Jungkook trusted me back but the only person I'd trust my life with was Jay. And I did. Look where that got him and me.

"Listen man," Loco starts resting his hands on the table crossing them. "There's something that's not making sense. Jay and Slick being dead and all, but where's Akai? Did something happen to her? I've never seen you this down. What happened to you and Akai?"

I sigh and look up to Loco stopping him. "I love her you know... It's only been months but I can't help but feel real and free when I'm with her. At first I could take advantage of her, you know, sex and all that but after a while I started learning.. about her and myself... All I thought about was her and how nothing else mattered but her.. I just wanted to make her relax and trust and believe in me...give her my world of peace ignoring the all the other problems."

"You were in too deep bruh," Loco sits back on his chair, biting his lip. "I went to your place today earlier today...but she wasn't there. Only the bodies of Jay and Slick. What happened? What really happened? I think there's someone on to us,"

"You sound like Slick," I answer, not even allowing that to pass my mind. "And what where you doing at my place?"

He carries on biting his lip before leaning forward on the table again. "I last spoke to Jay at night. He said he was going to your place to set things right."

"Set things right?" I question. First Akai and then Jay. The only person who was really honest with me was.. Jungkook. Everyone else lied. The ones I trusted the most, betrayed me. But I betrayed them the most by killing them.

I close my eyes not believing it. I knew opening my heart to her would be wrong but I didn't care..behind all the sex was a wall that I never noticed. She was beautiful inside and out, she was lost and all I wanted to do was make her see the light. Her words at times had comfort and other times had a sense of freedom..what had my heart however was how she looked at me.. made me feel like I didn't need to wear a mask or be confused with her.

A red beam catches my attention and I draw my attention to the door seeing through the crystal grey door that a bunch of man in black are standing, holding..guns.

I thought I was on top of the world, I planned everything strategically and would never get caught. But by allowing a stranger into my plans I was not even careful nor aware of the dangers she might bring.

She broke my heart.

"I'm sorry." I say once again. Loco's eyebrows come together and he tilts his head. In the meeting as well when I apologized for dragging them into this situation. They all looked confused and told me that they choose to follow me willingly.

They don't know what I'm apologizing for.

I stand up and rest my hands behind my head not feeling the need to fight back.

"Zha what are you-"

The door breaks down and a swarm of police march in. "FREEZE! DON'T MOVE!"

"Kim Taehyung?" Detective Min Yoongi enters the room seeing me already surrendering. "My oh my. It really is you,"

"I guess I have a fan," I dryly replay. He comes over to me with his silver handcuffs.

"No. I'm marvelled that you're really alive," he comments.

"And I'm in the flesh." I smile when he forces my body down on the table.

"I'm glad you said that. Because your flesh is going away till it decays." Detective Min remarks with a proud smirk. Job well done.


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