13: Playing with cold fire

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She told me don't worry about it. She told me don't worry no more. She told me you'll never be alone .

He drinks the whole bottle of wine by himself trying to get himself high. He was really mad when I didn't want to give him my body. I know he wouldn't try to force himself on me, thus as a way to calm down he finished a whole bottle of wine.

"I'm ready to ask my questions," I say as he shakes the empty bottle.

"Ask away," he leans back on the couch closing his eyes. "Come closer though, I can't hear you,"

"Okay," I breathe in moving to his couch but still sitting by the far end. "Do you know a girl called Sindy?"

I expected him to freeze and be stunned at my question, but instead he showed no reaction and answered plainly. "I used to," Reminds me that he wasn't the type to beat around the bush.

"Do you know what happened to her?"

He shakes his head looking away for a bit. "I fucked her once but... I don't know what happened," he looks at me straight in the eyes.

"You what?" I ask completely shocked.


"Don't baby me," I push him lightly away. "Tell me about Sindy?"

"Um. Okay." he moves back looking suspicious for a bit but he lets out a breath. "I don't know. Zha kept her hostage in the–"


"Zha the boss. You've never mat him but I'm sure Dean talked about him," my mouth forms an 'o' shape and tell him to continue. "My boss is top confidential if you remember."

"Did he... Kill her?" I ask as my heart beats fast. As my question is in the air, his mood changes and his head snaps to me. I sigh defeated. One thing I know about Jay is that he's very loyal. He wouldn't just blurt this information out, but I guess it could be because of the wine or maybe because he trusts me... I don't know. But now he looks closed off. "Did he?"

"Why do you want to know?" He asks now very serious. "Who put you up to this?"

If I tell him its for an investigation he will most likely shut down and not answer any more questions. But so far that's the only thing that's popping in my head.

"Please just answer me-"

"Not until you tell me what it's for."

I sigh, "A friend of mine lost his wife. Sindy. I'm trying to help him find out answers,"

"Friend. He'll get himself killed." He smirks looking away. "Playing with cold fire. Ironic? I think not. What's his name?"

"Jay please," I beg chewing my lip. "He needs to know,"

"He needs to know?" He mocks. "Why are you risking your own life doing this for him? How sure are you that I knew the answers?"

"I didn't." I lie. "I just thought I'd try."

"One more question then you go."

"Why did you sleep with her?" I ask straightforwardly, its the only root I can take in the void of answers he gave me so far.

His monotonous tone is back and he shrugs his shoulder. "Having fun with her. You should've picked another question." He informs me.

I smile. "I know. But this question gave me an answer. You told me that Zha kept her hostage and that you, and perhaps maybe the other guys in the gang, all had their rounds with her. Which brings me to an uncomfortable conclusion."

"Zha has the answers to the rest of your questions," he says monotonously uninterested in my plan. "For your own safety baby, I suggest you stay out of this whole 'helping hand' for your friend,"


"Zha is dangerous." A flash of anger strides through his eyes.

"I know he's dangerous,"

He sighs. "Akai drop it and let's-"

"I'll let myself out." I stand up picking up my bag not waiting for his answer. I start walking and making my way to the door. I have to know Zha. Dean spoke about him a few times but I never grasped anything he said. But with the information Jay sorta gave, I have the impression that Zha captured Sindy for sex. But then if that's the case that means if I do manage to find Zha then I'd have to offer him-

"Akai," he calls out. He gets closer turning me around. I look up to him. "I don't want you getting hurt,"

"Then go with me to Zha,"

He looks at me like I grew facial hair. "Are you crazy? I can't put you in that position."

"Fine then I'll get the answers I want from him myself. I'll find out who he is myself–"

"Akai stop talking nonsense." He groans pulling his hair back. "You don't understand how dangerous he is."

"Jay I knew this was dangerous the moment I came to you. But look, I still trusted you." I hold onto his arm. "If you take me to Zha then I know you'll protect me. Won't you?"

He slowly nods his head and searches my eyes. He slightly pushes me to the door leaning down to my face. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

I nod my head firmly. He hesitates for a moment but finally nods his head.

"Fine. I'll take you to him." He says. "But I'll have to come up with something."

I smile and hug him. "Thanks."

"I see you've changed. Saying no to sex is one thing, but being around Zha will be different. He won't give you a choice. The only way to get him is through sex. It won't be easy at all Akai. Are you prepared for this?"

I pull back and look at him. So it really is all about sex. If it means Namjoon's case being solved then I'll at least have to try. It's like waking up my past.

"If it has to happen then okay."

Jay shakes his head. "You won't give me any, but for him you'll do it. Zha isn't... You know what. I think that might work," he looks away.

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