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"Toni wait!" Val said as I walked outside. I turned around and it took everything in me not to slap her. "WHAT?!! What could you possibly have to say right now?"

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are! You're a sorry ass best friend. God! I should've known. You've always wanted everything I had. You were always jealous. Everyone told me, even Kenny told me, but I didn't listen because you were my best friend!" I said shaking my head at my own stupidity.

"I didn't mean for this to happen."

"That bullshit!! You were probably waiting for me to mess up so you can pretend to be the concerned friend and swoop your way in. Kenny? I get it, I was a horrible wife and I deserve it. But you? I've been nothing but a good friend to you."

"Toni when you left we were both hurting and we found comfort in each other. That comfort turned into something else."

"So now you two are magically in love?"

She sighed and looked at the
ground and back at me.

"You disgust me."

I left her in the driveway and drove to Ira's motel room. He was the one person that always made me feel better. I knocked on the door and when he opened it I don't know what took over me but I kissed him. He was into it for a little while then he pulled away.

"What's wrong?"

"I should be asking you that. You can't just go around putting yo lips on people without some kinda explanation. Geez, at least take me to dinner first!"

"I'm sorry..." I think I'm having a meltdown.

"It's cool. You lucky I'm in my right mind, if things were different I woulda gave you this work."

"You're such an idiot." I chuckled.

"You had yo lips on this idiot a few seconds ago."

"I thought you liked me."

"I do but our friendship is more important...that sounded good didn't it? I read that shit in a magazine." He said proudly. I shook my head as he laughed at himself. "What's wrong?"

"My now ex husband and my ex best friend are engaged."

"That's fucked up yo. Hey, I can make that hoe disappear. Just say the word."

"No thanks Ira."

"Man you never let me have any fun. It's like hanging with my mama."

"Whatever." I said pushing him.

His laughter turned into a cough. I ignored it until he started coughing harder.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I got up to get him some water but he stopped me.

"I'm fine. That's another reason I can't go that far with you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Sit down." He commanded. I did as he said and looked at him as he grabbed my hand. "I uh...I have aids."


"Kira dinner's ready!" I yelled. Val, Trent, and Karsyn were already at the table eating.

"I'm not hungry." She said coming downstairs and walking past us like we didn't exist. I snatched her headphones out and she looked at me. "I'm tired of your damn attitude." I said.

"Well obviously I get it from you!"

"You watch your tone."

"I'll watch my tone when you watch yours when you talk to my mother."

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