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They got home. Lets chamge Fizzahs school Hena pleaded. No Hena lets sgow Raamin we are not afraid of her. What if she harms Fizzah? She wont shes just threatening u. No Hena cried. Il speak to her tomorrow. Tbey went to school. Taimoor went to speak to Raamin whike Hena stood outside listening. Taimootlr didnt know. He had told Hena to wait in the car. Raamin he said. I am married. I have children. I want you back she said. Raamin even if Hena has to leave me i will never chose anyone else he said. Why Raamin asked. Shes my wife. We share a precious bond. Our children need us both. We werent fated to be. I love Hena. U cant force love Raamin it just naturally finds its way.. with that he walked away. Stop Raamin said. What about me. I lost you and Sameer. Raamin about Sameer, i didnt question because u accpeted him for your reasons. I didnt let u go. I had left Hena for you. Since u were moving on i decided to build my future. I dont know your reason of losing Sameer neither do i want to intervene but fate has its role and it should have been for your betterment. Just keep praying and u shall be guided. With that he left

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