After The Power Goes Out//Newt

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Prompt: In an Alternate Universe, the power goes out and you're locked outside of your apartment. There's nowhere else to go but your neighbour's apartment; Newt.

You weren't sure how many hours it had been since you'd nodded off, but when you woke you were a little surprised that you had even managed to fall asleep at all.

The first thing you notice is his eyes. Newton's, of course, or more realistically, Newt's. No one calls him by his whole first name but... You've never talked much so you feel as though you are not allowed that kind of privilege.

  "Uh... Hey, Y/N?" He tilts his head slightly and clutches his satchel a little too tightly, "You alright?"

You rub the sleepiness from your eyes and shake your head, "I'm locked out of my apartment." Your voice comes out croaked so you clear it a little, "I left my keys at college and... Well, then the power went out so I couldn't use the elevator and my phone lost signal to call anyone."

You only see a glimpse of it, so you're not so sure whether it was real or just your imagination, but you think he's actually finding some kind of amusement out of all of this. "What about the stairs?"

Ah, he thinks you've had some sort of dumb moment. "Locked."

He scratches the back of his blond head, his small curls shuffling as his fingers displace them, "Well that's bloody useless, who would lock it?"

You shrug.

Newt looks down at his watch, "It's 11:30..." His voice comes out mumbled and small, as if he only meant to say that to himself. You can't help but smile a little at that. "I suppose you haven't eaten or anything..."

You shake your head.

"And the bloody owner won't rock up here anytime soon to let you in..."

"I guess not."

"Okay, look, how about you come inside and get yourself some food and maybe a shower if you need..." He twists the doorknob and pushes it open with little effort, "and then we can call the landlord in the morning to sort out your apartment."

You lift yourself up from the floor in front of your door and thank him, grateful to at least have somewhere better than the carpet to sleep on tonight –and thankful the power is back on too.

"You go for the Gladers?" He asks as you take in the surroundings of his apartment. You're not sure what you expected really, of course it's the same layout as yours, but it just looks completely different. Everything. He has a style going on but you're not sure what it is.

"The college hockey team right?" You ask vaguely, not having much knowledge of the community sport teams.

He nods, "Guess you're not a die hard fan then."

You raise an eyebrow, unsure if to him that is a good thing or not. You didn't really picture him as a sport freak. "Not really, no. Are you?"

"Course I am! All my friends are on the team!" He looks somewhat proud.

"Oh, guess that's a good reason to then." You stretch and yawn mildly as Newt sifts through his fridge looking for your dinner. "You're not on the team?"

He pauses a moment, "Used to be until I shucked my leg up, not much use in playing now when I can't run as fast as I used to –or for as long."

You open your mouth to say sorry or something, but it doesn't feel right. He doesn't seem like a guy that would appreciate it. "Well, there must be something else you've chosen to spend your time on?" You take a seat on his couch and admire how soft it feels under your fingers.

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