The Ghost of Him//Gally

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WARNING: Please don't read on if you haven't seen The Death Cure movie yet! Wouldn't want to be the cause of any spoilers!

Prompt: You watched Gally die in the Maze... so why are you seeing a ghost of him now in the Scorch?

You watch as Brenda and Thomas move forwards into the rebelling crowd, as they try to scope out the place so they can find a way inside the city. You hang back, Newt off to your left side, a careful eye on everyone else who moves with you all. Thomas may be trusting of entering groups of angry, sick people, but you aren't. There's always someone or something lurking, waiting to find you Munies.

You first notice it when Newt glances back a second time, because he's not looking at you, he's looking at the people behind you. Masks cover their faces, protective vests over their chests and what appears to be guns at their sides. Maybe they're soldiers, here to tame the crowd. If they are, their product of WICKED. And that means extremely bad news for all of you.

You move further away from Newt, to your right, and keep close to the edge of the crowd. If you can blend in more to get a better look at the soldiers, maybe you can prevent them from capturing anyone.

You turn to look, a few of the soldiers hang back, but one or two follow the others closely... You stare at one of the soldiers, the way he stands... the way he walks...

It can't be.

You shake your head and push that thought to the very back of your mind, you can't lose your head, not now. You stare at his uniform, or lack of, the soldiers aren't clothed all the same and there are no indications of belonging to WICKED. So, who are they?

Suddenly a loud noise resounds from the entrance to the city, a massive machine swings towards the crowd. You eye the machine, and when you realise what it is you let out a cry and start to push back. The machines open fire on the crowd of rebels, and you push through what feels like a sea of panicked people, everyone screaming, people falling over from wrong footing or bullets.

You turn a corner, running by the older ruins of the outskirts, but as you get to the end of what used to be a street, a pair of rough hands grab you and shove you against an old, crumbled wall. You eye him, his mask covering his face, it's one of the people who followed you into the crowd. He lifts you up, kicking and screaming, and pushes you into a black van.

You sit obediently, as one of the men who sits across from you points his gun at you. Soon, Brenda and Thomas are both shoved into the van, sitting beside you. Huffing and out of breath, they stare as the other soldier sits down too. You eye him, the same thoughts from before surfacing. It can't be him. Even though you want to look away, you can't.

The van starts up and you're driving to wherever they want to take you.

Thomas leans forward, their guns still fervently aimed at you all, "Where are you taking us?"

There isn't a reply.

"Damn idiots," you grumble, finally taking your eyes off the soldier who looks like Gally. If only he could take his mask off... but the thought of Gally still being alive is ridiculous. That's why it can't be, you saw him die right in front of you. You grieved in the Scorch for him. He's gone.

The van finally halts to a stop, and the two soldiers across from you slide the van door open and order you all to hop out. You pass by the soldiers, close in proximity, and your eyes meet with the one with close shaven hair. Green and piercing eyes stare back and for the second time in your life your heart feels like its stopped beating.

You hop out of the van and watch Gally as he walks in front of the group. You could never let go of those green eyes, there's no chance that he couldn't be Gally. Newt and Thomas are busy pulling Jorge off another soldier, Brenda furiously tries to calm him down before anyone is shot. Gally strides forward, ignoring your stares, and pulls Jorge off the soldier. You take this moment to your advantage and kick him in the back of the leg while grabbing a hold of his gun. He stumbles, and the force is enough to pull his gun free from his hands.

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