Chapter 4: Yoongi's My Bias

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You admired Jimin who was fast asleep. His chest moved up and down slowly, his breathing even.

Laying on the same sheets as the idol, there was a sadness at your heart when feeling no movement in the sheets take place. If you got too close to the mattress, you'd fall right through. If you grew scared and hovered, it would look like you were floating. Mastering your skills and getting exactly the right leaning effect, you could, laying, sitting, and genuinely being around Jimin for the past week was easy.

You were quieter. He noticed.

The fact that your body was alive and confusing doctors, surgeons, and your family and friends far away from where you floated now was constantly at your mind. During this week, you found out your body was under 'special care'. Locked in a personal room, your lungs were being filled with air from a tube, and your muscles were paralyzed. Your heart would beat, your fingers would twitch, and sometimes your nose would crinkle from smells in the room. BangPD came and gave information on any new brain functionalities that could be improving for your unconscious form.

You listened throughout the week. You listened to what was happening to your body, to your mother, to listened to everything but you didn't dare go and visit your body for yourself. Instead, you'd change the subject entirely when Jimin would bring it up.

"I'll come with you," he'd sweetly propose.

You'd shake your head. Scared, in denial, and outmost terrified over the black figure you'd constantly see. "There's no need. I'm dead. People who are dead should stay dead."

Jimin would grow confused at your words every time.

Now, you were here as always. Laying next to him in the middle of the night, out of fear, your ghostly hand was tight in holding his as he slept. Even as his finger's uncurled when he fell in deep sleep, you'd panic and hold him tighter. With Jimin around, with Jimin touching you, you didn't see the blackened creature often.

So, you continuously made sure you were always around Jimin.

Blinking out of your thoughts when hearing the boy whine a little in his sleep, he moved to turn onto his side, his back away from you. You smiled, chuckling lightly and moving to flash over to his other side as he rolled over sleepily. You watched him make himself comfortable with the pillow under his cheek; your eyes were kind while watching him, hand make to hovering over his.

Jimin was weirdly kinder as days went by. He was more comfortable, and almost used to the idea of a ghost being around him 24/7. He didn't stress in trying to figure out your thoughts, nor did he ask about your quietness. He respected your space and simply did what you wanted him to do. And what you'd want is for some sort of skin-ship. Jimin held your hand any chance he got.

Moving your fingers out of his, you lovingly stared for more. Even after a week of doing this, watching him sleep, breathe, and live wasn't making your tired or bored. Turning onto your side, you moved your cheek so it was on the same pillow as him. Scrunching your nose when feeling his breath move to your nostrils, you hated that your ghost-self could now smell. You were dead, but smelling his mouth so close to yours, you wished to re-kill yourself.

"I forgot how nasty stank-breath can be," you chuckled in a whisper, eyes still so warm when staring at Jimin. Your eyes moved to his mouth, his full lips, and the area where the destructive smell was coming from as he slept.

Your smile fell slowly when eyeing his lips. Moving your fingers to tap alongside his cheek, you could feel him. You could feel him and only him. That idea in of itself confused you. Why him?

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