Date or Not A Date?

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Laura's POV: 

Calum hugs me from behind causing me to wiggle out of his grip. "Laura Marano who plays Ally!" the director calls from set. "I have to go!" I say, laughing. "Knock them dead." he says. I run out causing the screams to get louder making me smile as I wave and stand beside Ross. He smiles down at me causing me to smile back as Raini and Calum run out to join the rest of the cast. We all join hands and bow one by one. "Thank you guys for joining us on this episode of Austin and Ally! Let's give it up for the cast one more time!" The director says. We run off the set and I start to do my happy dance that is similar to Ally's off the show. 

Ross laughs as he watches me before joining the horrendous dancing. Ross is definitely the person I am closest to out of the whole cast. That's one of the reasons we booked the roles for Austin and Ally. He laughs and says, "Wanna go catch a movie guys?" "I would but I told my mom I would go shopping with her." Raini says. "And I would but I have to hit the gym to work on these bad boys." Calum says flexing. I watch as he kisses his muscles sending me into a fit of laughter. Ross looks at me hopeful. "Hm I don't know. Let me check my schedule." I say as I pretend to think. "Lauraaaa." Ross says dragging out my name. "Oh look I'm free!" I say. "It's a date!" He says. "Remember the contract guys." Raini jokes causing me to roll my eyes. 

They gave Ross and I the job only if we promised no feelings for each other in real life. They said it could interfere with the show or something. "He was kidding. Its not a date. I don't think you have to remind us. Just friends right Ross?" I ask laughing. He nods, "Just friends." I grab my coat before hug Raini and Calum bye. We exit the set, making small talk until we make our way to Ross' Range Rover. He opens the door for me and I thank him while getting in. 

As soon as he is seated beside me, he puts in the Austin and Ally CD causing laughter to spill out of my mouth. We start to sing along to the theme song of the show. He looks at me and starts singing causing me to giggle. He pulls up to the movie theater, and we get out after he cuts the engine. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, "Your the best friend I've ever had Ally." "You too Austin." I say, giggling as we act like our characters from the show. 

We decide on The Hobbit and take our seats in the empty theater.  He reaches for my hand in the darkness. "Scared?" I joke. He shakes his head, looking at me. "I just wanted to hold your hand." I nod not sure what to say to his serious answer. His fingers fit perfect in between mine causing me to squirm. The movie starts when he whispers, "Laura?" I look at him for a second before glancing back at the screen, "Yeah?" "Never mind." He says followed by a sigh. "Everything okay?" I ask as he takes his hand away from mine. "Yeah, just fine." He says, staring blankly at the movie screen. "You know you can tell me anything right?" I ask. He shakes his head, "Not if I wanna play by he rules." He says. "Rules? What rules?" I ask, confused. "Nothing. Lets just watch the movie okay?" He asks blowing everything off. I nod looking back at the screen, but my mind was still on Ross.

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