Just A Kiss Goodnight!

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Summary: Hiccup has been missing on everything happening around the edge because of Ryker and his hunters putting to much weight on his shoulders and so Astrid comes to him one day and finally gets his head out of his plans.

I got the idea from the video above. It was not my idea, this chapter might be short.

Hiccup and Astrid are not dating.

Takes place in Race To The Edge.



Hiccup's POV:

I am seriously tired of all the weight being placed on my shoulders because of Ryker and the dragon hunters, they have been getting so difficult for the past few months that I don't even have the time to ride Toothless or even join the gang in any activity. I have been spending days and nights trying to hatch the perfect plan that will get Ryker away from us and the edge for a long while, but its impossible, whenever I go through my plan after I have made it I just realize that it will be a big flop.

I just wish I can forget this problem for a while,


What the- who just knocked on my-

A: Hiccup I know you're in there can I please just have a minute with you, please.

Oh man its Astrid and with her being my crush there is no way I can say no because that will just earn me a punch that will soon break my arm, but I am so busy............UGH! I AM SERIOUSLY GOING TO GET RYKER BACK FOR THIS BECAUSE I AM SURE THAT THE GANG ARE PROBABLY MAD AT ME FOR BEING AWAY FOR TOOOOOOO LONG!

H: Sure, you can come in.

What in Thor's world did I just answer, I am literally going to face the gang and their comments for Thor knows how long. I seriously wish I said no and as if Astrid read mind that of what I wish she entered my hut with a frown, well at least I will be with my mother in Valhalla.

A: Hiccup you do realize what has been happening with the gang do you?

H: *sigh* No Astrid, I am so sorry. I know I should have hung out with you guys many times during the past months, but Ryker is making it too hard for me to do anything I like.

A: Look Hiccup I understand how hard its been for you, but that doesn't mean you should just push us away like that. *Walks closer to him and puts a hand on his shoulder while he is sitting down staring at the table* Hiccup, you need to relax, Ryker and his hunters have been gone forever and they haven't been hunting any dragons, there is no need to worry so much.

I knew she was right, Astrid is always right, but what can I do? If Ryker was gone so long that would mean he is planning something big.............. Astrid is right, maybe I should take a small break.

H: *sigh* You're right Astrid maybe I shouldn't worry about that so much, I guess I could take a small break.

A: Oh no you are going to have a long break until we get all that weight of your shoulders, so what do you want to talk about.

Honestly in my head I thought that she was going to know that I have nothing to talk about since I was in my hut the ent-

A: Oh wait! You have been in your hut the entire time, would you like me to tell you what has been happening around the edge?

Is she reading my mind?

H: Uuhhh sure, what happened around the edge while I was in here?

A: Well-

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