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Summary: Just a little something I made up :)



You know that moment that changes your view?

That moment that makes you feel like everything will be okay?

That moment truly is special, I should know thanks to you:

Hiccup Haddock.

I was a lonely girl, a mute hiding in the shadows. I didn't want to communicate with people at school for they all made fun of me.

I didn't want to communicate and end up losing trust of the person. I wanted to be alone, someone who would just go through school and end up with their own life.

But then you came in, a new student; clumsy, smart, enthusiastic about science, always talking about his loyal dog and an excellent artist. But, just like me, you had no friends.

Some teased you for being a teachers pet, others called you loud and annoying from your cute rambles and some were just jealous of your artistic talent and science smarts. You were considered weak, but you didn't care.

They could talk about you, they could say whatever and you wouldn't care about any rumor they spread about you. You lived your life believing in yourself and not bothering with others opinions about you. You seemed free and happy, a life I always hoped for but was scared to cross.

So I stayed hidden and watched you live freely, smiling at you whenever you did or said something funny. I saw how you worked hard to pass your classes and how enthusiastic you were in the science class with all the experiments going around and making students gasp while you just laughed.

I watched

And I watched

And hoped to talk to you...But I couldn't.

However, you took me by surprise as you approached me at my lunch table, the one in the back corner. You walked towards me with a goofy smile and a tray of cafeteria food. You asked me:

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

I couldn't talk

I didn't want to be rude

I shook my head and smiled lightly, telling you it was okay.

You sat down and spoke to me:

"My name is Hiccup Haddock! You must be Astrid Hofferson, I heard some people talk about you. I saw you sitting here by yourself so I decided to give you some company."

Your smile made my heart swell with happiness. I wanted to answer you, but all I did was smile. You looked at me in confusion and I thought you would hate me after not saying a word, but then your face expression changed into realization.

"Oh! Sorry, I forgot-!"

Suddenly, your fingers came up and you started speaking to me, telling me a simple sentence that meant the world to me:

"I knew about you a week ago and learnt from the teachers that you were mute. So I went home and studied sign language to help you!"

That moment made me cry, you thought you said something wrong, but I reassured you with my own signs that I was thankful for your company and the fact you wanted to help me. You smiled in relief and we both spent the rest of our high school and senior year communicating through sign language.

You asked me to be yours in our senior year, a week before prom.

I said nodded my head and wrapped my arms around your neck as you hugged back.

After college

Into our adult life, we both worked together in an art studio.

You drew your feelings and emotions.

I wrote songs that you sang out for me.

Soon, your art was a side job as you started teaching me to play musical instruments as to help spread my emotions other than by lyrics.

We both became a big shot, singing and playing to fans around the world.

We grew up singing together. Spreading our emotions, feeling and sending inspiring words to everyone who heard us.

Our name:

The Silent Hearts

Because thanks to you, my silence lead to our love as you came up to me on that lunch table.

Our love was silent, but it spoke so many words to the both of us.

So, I thank you again, Hiccup Haddock.

Thank you for the beautiful world you've given me.

And as we both take our last breathe, I whisper to wind:

"Thank you."


See Ya Later Dragon Riders!


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