Epilogue chapter 1

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                    * 3 years later *

   " Come on , we're gonna be late! " renee shouted . " Hold on , I'm putting on my heels . " I said . I slipped on my heels , and we ran outside . I got in with renee in her car , and I had misaki in my arms . Erika , and aunt lindy in the back . Silica , lisbeth and sinon in lisbeth's car with koda and ema . Renee started driving quickly , and we watched for cops . " Hey! Don't speed! " I shouted at her . " Dude do you want to be late to your own wedding?! " renee spat at me .

I covered misaki's ears . " Shut the f*ck up renee , I'm just using my road safety! " I snapped back at her . I then uncovered misaki's ears . " Well the guys are already probably there , do we gotta get going . " she said . And so as we finally made it to the japan church , we rushed in and we saw that the inside doors were still closed . Oh thank god! We still had like 2 minutes . We all got into positions , aunt lindy with erika went in the doors and where everyone else was . Okay , evey thing is going as planned . At least I hope so .

As soon as the minutes went by , I hears the que and the doors opened . Misaki walked with silica helping her , the twins with the rings . Then renee , lisbeth , sinon and koda and ema walked down . Then .. I did . I walked after them , and then as we got to the alter kirito helper me up the stairs . He looked handsome , and he's grown a lot . He's a mature man now , and I'm a mature women . We're both 20 , renee and the others except for agil and klein are 20 . Misaki is 3 , Eiji and Raiden are 4 , and Erika is 12 now .

When misaki turned 3 about 4 months ago , kirito made her artificial body too . She is able to do the same things as erika's , and their able to grow too . So it's like their human . Everyone that isn't very familiar with us .. we just tell them that erika and misaki were adopted . And that raiden and eiji are our own . Well we only tell them that if they ask , but our friends and family know the truth . It doesn't hurt them or us , and erika understands her situation . But she doesn't care about being normal .. well she will in her high school years .
Which are almost here .. in 3 years . She just started 5th grade , and she loves it . She's already made some friends . And misaki with the twins have started daycare , they'll be starting pre - K soon . As for me and the gang , renee is attending one of the most prestigious and highest Veterinary Schools in Japan , lisbeth silica and sinon are attending a college that I don't even know the name of , agil and klein are working . Kirito is attending a very great and amazing high quality gamers and technology college .. and me? I'm attending the most high in education and prestigiously amazing recommended College of Journalism .

  Yep , after graduating the sao recovery school and then regular high school with all honors . It helped me a lot .. cause then all my teachers recommended me a word at the college . And after my application and recommendations , I finally got in! I start back in the spring . And also , 3 years ago and a month after running away from hunter's clutches . We had a court appointment , and with all the evidence against him he was sent to jail . As of today , he's got a few more years in jail . But I don't care .

Today is my wedding day , I shouldn't have to worry today . So as after the priest said his stuff , it was our turn to say our vows . I looked at kirito .

" Kazuto we've been through hell and back , and over these three years I never thought I'd be the one to be here today . Back when I was young , boyfriend after boyfriend I thought I'd be single all my life . Just like I hadn't imagined myself a mother at such a young age , but I'm happy and I'm blessed with the kids we have . We met through a game , fell in love with you , and now we're parents . You've been there for me for so much , and I'm suprised renee doesn't wanna kill you still . " I said . He smiled and I heard renee laughing , I knew she thought it was funny .

" I'm glad I met you , and every moment we had even if it was trapped in sword art online . I cherished it . We fought side to side , back to back . And I've fallen in love with you again and again every minute of every second of every day . And I can't wait to start this new chapter in our lives as we live it together . " I said again . He smiled at me , and now it's his turn . He looked at me with the biggest smile on his face I've seen .

" Raven ever since we met , it's like a light has come into my life . Yes we've been through hell and back , But it's apart of life . But you've showed me that there's something else to life then just games . And that if your willing to care for someone , then your life can become an adventure . Becoming parents , well having them is a blessing that anyone can ask for . " he said . I smiled at him , holding his hand .

" Our lives have just begun , and I can't wait to start them . We can make every obstacle in this world together , we've done it in sao . And we can do it here . I fell in love with a girl who kicked my butt just over a bump into situation . I'm not saying I'm afraid of you , but I am kind of . But I love you more then you know , these last three years have been amazing . And just like you , I can't wait to start our life's together . " he said . I felt tears welling in my eyes , I was crying a bit . His speech made me feel happy , and I couldn't help but be happy .

  Eiji and raiden gave us the rings , we kept our rings like the ones that they had in sao . We had been so used to them , and I didn't feel like changing them . So we kept them like this . Renee , koda and lisbeth had given me such a big rant about how a girl should be having a real engagement ring not just some circle that's black and grey . They both argued about it . Such a big argument , it went all night . And it annoyed me to point where my hand level was gone . So I had to yell at them big time , like legit it took to no end . I was like 👌 close to grabbing a frying pan and beating renee with it .

" I now pronounce you husband and wife , you may now kiss the bride . " the priest said . Kirito smiled and so did I . He pulled me close , and he kissed me right on the spot . I kissed back smiling and wrapping my arms around him . Cheers and claps where heard around us , but before we tried to deepen it kirito pulled back . He looked at me with his usual smile .
He held my hand , and we walked down the Isle as the others threw white rice at us .

           * At reception *

We had just gotten to the reception , and people were already enjoying themselves . It was good . I mainly stayed with kirito , I watched the kids though . Erika was hanging out with a boy her age , I saw them . Kirito probably wasn't paying attention , but if he was I bet he'd separate them immediately . But he just stayed with me . He pulled me close , and held me in his arms . " So , how does it feel to finally be together fully now mrs.kirigaya? " he asked . With that usual grin/smirk in his face . I know that look , he's given it to me many times back in sao . Not that I mind it .

" Well I'm happy , especially now I can officially call you my husband in both virtual world and in real world . " I said . " Well it makes me happy too . " he said .

So after a bit , we got to the cake . On top , we're our sword art online swords crossed on the top . I know who did that .. renee , lisbeth , koda .
Those three did that . So me and kirito cut the cake , and then we passed pieces to everyone and we got a bit of cake on each other . After that .. he then took me to the dance floor and we had our dance . Soon erika , misaki , and the twins came in and joined us . " I'm so happy for you mom . " erika said . I smiled , but then I miss the days when she'd call me mommy . And when she's come in and snuggle in bed with me , or how she'd hold my hand with her little one .

My little girl is growing up .. and I can't take it really . All of my babies are growing up , I can't take it .
But at least all of us are a family ..

We're all one big happy family , all together ...


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