chapter 18 - No f****** Way!

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Claire POV

I woke up after having a pretty good well night's rest, if you can call it that. However next thing I felt after trying to get up from a really comfortable bed, a throbbing headache was killing me like I been hit with a bat or something. Wait hit, BESERKER that damn douche bag was the one responsible for my head hurting so much. Ugh , I'll get him bac-. Hold on a second. Where in the heck am I? I looked all over my surroundings, noticing I was in a actual room, with dim lights. Another thing is why is it so hard in here or was it just this all in her head. No other wise why would I been having a throbbing headache. Where are those too aliens? Now there's two of them. Did they brought me to this room when I blacked out? I better go check things out. I find it weird that Beserker would not be here with me.

Wait what am I thinking, that's good, does this mean I'm free? I walked to the metal like door and didn't know how to get it open, cause there was no door knob, strange? How do i- oh I think this button here that's next to this door should be able to open it. I slowly reached to press it, but before I could it open to fast that I didn't have time to gather what happen. I turned my attention away from the door button and turned my attention back to a large figure standing to close to me where the door was.

We stood there long and silent just staring at each other wait to see who makes the first move.

Not feeling comfortable being intimidated by Beserker or the other alien that sorta looked like him but she's gonna sum up the courage and break the awkward silence. 

"A-are you Beserker?" She asked timidly. Cursed her self mentally for being a little scared. But she wasn't going to show that to him!

"No shit punt human." Beserker said coldly. Yup that's him no doubt about it, still the same asshole!.

"Where am I!?" I asked with anger in my voice, I was in no mood to take his bullshit attitude.

"A yautja space shit, no longer on Earth." He said.

My eyes widen, a chill ran down my spine, feeling cold sweat on my forehead.

"W-what!?" I yelled. Feeling scared now. He can be serious can he?! I screamed , backing away from him as far as I could till my back touched the wall, I slid down hugging myself. How, how could I not be on Earth no more? This got to be some sick joke of his no there's no way, no i can't believe him. Maybe he's just trying to scared me. But I'm not going to give him that pleasure. Fuck no. I could feel tears threatening to come, but I quickly shut my eyes tightly, refusing to show that I'm gonna cry. No . I can't break down like this not again I can't afford to loose it. Especially not in front of this ...this monster!

I was too locked up in my own mind that I didn't even hear the heavy foot steps approaching me.

"Hahaha, look at you, you look so pathetic Claire. As always your race is weak, always has been always will be." He said sounding like an even worse asshole. He's enjoying my misery?


My voices sounded cracking. Tears finally streaming down my cheeks. Damn him why is he making feel like shit.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that , I didn't quite catch that?" He said bemusingly. Without a care in the world. The hell was his problem with me and my race?

"Why, did you bring me along, you could've just felt me behind!?" I screamed at him now feeling pissed off.

"You've seen too much, so I'm now keeping you as a pet, hahaha!." He said blantly. Then turn on his heels and started walking off. Oh no I'm not finished with him yet, if he think this is over he's got another thing coming!

"Wait, where are you going?" I shouted. After I was done screaming at him. Next thing before i even knew it, I felt a hot, sting on the right side of my face, sent flying to the other side of the large room hitting the ground hard. Apparently he had turn so fast and backhanded me on my face and by how strong he slap was it sent me flying.

"Pet, will learn not to raise voice at their master. You by any means disrespect me again, I'll give you the worst bearing of your life understand!?" He snapped at me. He- he laid his hand on me!?

How dare he hit a female!

"Cowards hitting a female is the worst thing on my planet!" I screamed at him. But later regretted that.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" He growled and stomp his way towards me prepared to hit me again.  I shut my eyes, waiting for the pain to come but it never came. I looked up I saw the other alien holding him back. Next thing i hear is that they are making strange clicking sounds and low growls. Maybe their talking in their own tounge. What are they saying? Ugh, who cares just I thanl God this another one came when he did and stopped Beserker's abuse towards me.


Reza's POV

(Speaking in yautja language)

"Stop that's enough Berserker!" I used my dominant voice to let him know I was serious.

Why's he doing this, what's gotten into him? I wondered.

"Let go of me Reza, Imma teach this human who's she's messing with!" Berserker yelled. Damn this is the angriest I've seen him since his twin brother has gonna missing and never came back from planet Earth.

"You need to regain your composure, you can't kill her. She's not armed." I said reminding him of one of our codes of honor.

"Fine!". Beserker said coldly then I released my hold on him, and saw him give the female human one final glance before leaving all pissed.

Then my attention was interuppted by a small voice.

"T-thank y-you!" I heard the human says.
I saw she had a red mark on her face. Before I could react, my body moved on its own and started walking towards the female, then crouched down to get level. My claw hand reached to touch her face  gently. She flinched a bit.

"Does it hurt?" I asked speaking in English her with a soft caring voice.

"Yes." She said and did something shocking she leaned her face on my hand. More years streaming down her face.  Seeing this made my chest ache. What was I doing, what is this I'm feeling. I have to get out of this room .

"I-I have to get going, are you hungry or thirsty?." I asked her. Still feeling confused on what just happened.

"Oh yes!" She said nodding her head quick. I was greatful I was still wearing my biomask, i had a smile on my face just seeing her nodding her head that way.

"Okay, I'll send a tray in." I walked out. But before closing and locking the door. I glanced back at the female.

"Try not to leave this room, trust me." I warned her. Then shit the door behind me, making sure it's locked.

Okay another chapter done! Message me if you have any questions .

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