Chapter 34 - Damn you why!

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"R-Reza what are you doing here!!?" I said panicked. I knew that now I was in trouble.

Reza POV

As I was making my way towards Claire's room, I holted in my spot just long enough for my well trained ears to hear her voice, she was talking to someone, that sounded like a males voice, wait  a minute it didn't sounded nothing like Beserker's deep voice what's so ever. Who the heck was it then and the whole conversation was giving off a weird static noise. Next I started sniffing only to find there wasn't another presence inside there with her. *Who the living gods was she talking to?* I thought to myself. Having a confused look on my face.

I opened Claire's door and rushed in, and saw I was right there's no one in the room with her here, wait what's that thing she's holding next to her face? A communicator of some sort?
*I'm going to find out whatever that is* I thought . As a slowly started to approached her from behind. Claire hasn't even noticed of my presence here yet. I had a mischief smirked on my face. I felted like messing with her for a bit then my questioning will begin.

Once she was within reachable hands, I grabbed her small wrist but not harsh were I would hurt her though while my other hand went wrapped around her small curvy waist.
*it's taking a lot of me not to just make her my mate, but I didn't want to rush.* I thought to myself.

This alone got her to freeze where she was standing, and quickly turned her head to face mines.

The mischievous grin I had on earlier was now gone, and I had my serious face on. Now time to get down to business and now time to start getting my answers.

"Claire, what are you doing?" I asked with a deep voice. Not letting my hold on her go.

"R-Reza what are you doing here!?" She asked with panick voice. This I found amusing her reaction but her avoiding my question, I didn't like.

"Anwser my question, Claire. I said with a firm voice. Trying not to loose my patience with this female human.

Claire yanked away from my grip on her, which I'm surprised this sudden strength coming from her had caught me completely off guard.

"No, you anwser me first just where are your damn manners who do you think you are coming into my room like that huh!?" She snapped, now I was fighting with my inner beast to not growl at her especially not even raise my hand at her, no I didn't want to be like that abusive brute Beserker.

"I'm the one asking the question  now give me some anwsers!!" I started raising my voice a little , not to scare her though.

I saw her having an angry face now. *crap just when I thought this couldn't get anymore difficult then what it was to already be. *

"What's this in your hand?" I asked referring to the strange object device in her hand. Now starting to get sorta curious what that can do.

"IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS REZA!" Claire yelled. *damn she sure has a short temper, reminds me a lot of Beserker. *

"Watch how your speaking to me Claire!!" I yelled back with the same level voice she had. *now she was just pissing me off.*

"Get out!" She said. Looking down on the floor shaking.

"Not ti-." But was interuppted.

" I Said Get The hell out!!!!" She screamed with rage in her voice  she was now looking at me with an angier face then before.

*I had it right then and there I had the urge to choke her, but decided against it, and stomped out of her room before I did something I'll deeply regret.*


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