Chapter 45 - Anger & Jealous.

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Mayra's Note: Good afternoon everyone , thank you guys for being so patient. 

I feel bad for last chapter being so short but I'm here again to bring you all another chapter that and many more that will be worth your guy's time. 

I appropriate you all for following me so far on this story. 

Aleightly enough talk and... Let our journey continue!


(Aurelia's POV)

I been asleep for who knows how long but it felt great, least I'm not feeling all sick and nauseous like I been the last couple of days. I laid still on the soft bed I woke up on.

Realization suddenly hit me. Now fully remembering what had happened before everything had gone blank. The talk with Beserker , him finding his mate, and breaking up with me. My heart aches a little thinking back on that small detail.

*What was I expecting? I already knew we weren't soul mates, though really wishing I was.*

But if what Beserker says it's true, when where did he came across his mate, and mostly important who was she?

Shaking my head a little. Before taking deep breathes and putting my hands to my face.

A smile was at my lips.

*Of course I wasn't going to denie my heart was currently feeling right now, I was jealous of whoever was blessed to be with Beserker but knowing feeling jealous wasn't going to get me no where I knew I couldn't blame her, whoever she is, I only ask is that she makes him happy, marry him, and bears him..pups. my fists clenched tightly making the palm of my hand bleed a little.*

Pups. Sigh. She'll make a wonderful mate.....and queen of our proud race. I smiled again. I felt happy all of a sudden...jealously leaving me.
Who am I to blame her, it's not her fault at all, it's the gods who decided this and that's most absolutely sacred no one can come between that. Not even me if i wanted to I won't. I can only imagine what it would be like if I found my soul mate.

I pray he would love me, bless me with pups, lots of pups. Since I'm a strong huntress I know I got nothing to worry about cause I know for sure I'll impress him.

*I hope.*

A loud growl came from my stomach. I blushed a little at that, never had my stomach growled so loudly. Some food sounds so great right now. With I stood up from the bed, and walked out of the room which belong to....Beserker. 

*I'll go get Claire so she can join me and we could both enjoy a good meal and chat I been so fascinated to learn more about what her planet does well what females do.*

As I walked and walked.

I noticed I haven't seen Reza around..yet.

Claire's door came and I gently knocked twice.

That's odd why isn't she answering?

I wonder.

I opened her door only to find the lights to her room were off.

*she's not here?*

"She isn't here." A rough deep voice came from behind me a few feet away.

I turned and saw Beserker.

I smiled a little.

"where is she?" I asked. Taking a noticed he was a emotionless look on his face.

*What's up with him?*

"Like I said, she isn't here." Beserker said leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

*no duh I could see she isn't in her room.* I rolled my eyes.

He glared.

But I didn't care.

"You know where I could fi-." But Beserker cut me off so rudely.

"WHAT PART OF SHE'S NOT HERE DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND AURELIA!? SHE'S GONE OUT OF THE SHIP ALONE!!!". Beserker growled. Made me jump a little. Never has he raised his voice me.
But I wasn't going to take that from him.

"YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL AT ME!!." I growled back.

"Tch, whatever now if you don't mind I'm out of here I have to go look for her." Beserker said before turning around and leaving else where.

Waiting making sure He's gone and out of site.

*Claire, ...y-your g-gone?*

I have to help too, and quickly went to go catch up with Beserker to help find Claire.

*she's got lots of explaining to do when I find her.*


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