Chapter 37 - emergency landing!

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(Previous chapter)

Aurelia's POV

As soon as I was about to take my leave out of the room, everything went black.


Beserker POV

Right after the talk with Aurelia about her not being the one destined for me as a soul mate,  surprised she tooked it well, and not the opposite of what I had thought.

I smiled at her last sentence.
Her being happy for me. I guess she also felt that we weren't destined to be as life long soul mates, she wished me no ill will. I wasn't blind to noticed this was hurting her, and she didnt have to say it. I hoped the best for her, If she ever comes across her true mate.

Soon after she was done saying for me to be happy, she was about to take her leave out of the room we both shared, till she collapsed on the hard metal floor.

I wasn't no time and rushed towards her, picking her up from the ground, and put her gently on my bed being careful not to cause her any harm.
Then started to check her pulse, okay she was still breathing but her breathing is low. That can't be good. But what was now bugging me is that when I touched her she was burning up with a fever.

"No. No. No. No. No!" I panicked .

I rushed out of the room and headed to the control room, and started looking up planets I know are safe to land on where we wouldn't be too suspicious . Aurelia needed a doctor right away, she's sick, she's very sick!

*Dammit, this is my fault, I shouldn't have told her what I said before, she must've not taken so well after all. I'm so STUPID!* I thought to myself, feeling bad for hurting her like that. She didn't deserve that! Now I hated myself for this!

"Beserker?" I heard a familiar soft voice. I turned around to find it was Claire standing right behind me with a worried expression.

"Claire, what is it?" I asked turning my whole body , letting her know she has my full attention. Seeing her was a major relief it gave me such joy, a joy I haven't felt since I was a young pup.

"I was just wondering if everything was okay, cause you've seem to be in a rush on the way here?" She said. Getting a bit closer and then took a seat next to me on the control panel.
Waiting for a response from me.

I looked back at what I was doing on the control screen.

"We have to land on a planet as soon as possible, it's an emergency." I said.

"What, why!?" She asked. Now worried.

I didn't want to lie to her.

"It's Aurelia, she fainted we have to get a medic to see her right away, so an emergency landing is necessary. " I told her. My eyes were now looking back at Claire's worried eyes.

She got up

"Omg Aurelia!" She panicked  and headed out of the control room before I could even reach to stop her from leaving.

Looking back at the control screen I finally found a planet, then set the coordinates landing .


Reza POV

I was barely walking out to the workout room, when suddenly something bumped into me, but not strong enough to have made me fall to the ground, I looked at the floor to see non other than Claire . I helped her up from the floor checking her making sure she wasn't hurt in anyway.

"Claire, what's wrong you look like you've seen something that spooked you?" I said waiting for her to answer me.

"Y-ea, it's Aurelia, she isn't well."  She said while trying to catch her breath from what I guess running.

Right after those words left he mouth, my eye's widen with shock.

"What's wrong with her!?" I said with a serious voice . Holding Claire by the waist making sure she doesn't leave. Feeling worried.

"I don't know?, All I know is that she was with Beserker when she passed out." She said.

*Aurelia passed out strange that doesn't sound like the Aurelia he known all his life?*

Snapped out of my daze, I grabbed Claire and threw her over my shoulder and started running towards the room she shares with Beserker. Thought that of them being together made my stomach twist and not in a good way.

Seeing Beserker's room coming to view I slowed down my running. I pushed the button and walked in Claire.

Once in I put Claire down gently, I then saw Aurelia small form laying limp on the huge bed. I immediately went over to be by her side, and checked her pulse, yes she's still breathing. But man she's burning up, what the hell could have caused this?

Beserker, just where the hell is he? I turned to look at Claire.

"Where's Beserker!?" I said with a firm voice.

"Control room, he said something about emergency landing." She said.

"Tch, that bastard leaving his mate here while he's somewhere else." I said irritated with this. How could he kust leave Aurelia variable the way she is right now? I walked to the door not giving Claire another glance. But instead to Aurelia. Just as I neared  the door to leave I felt a small on my wrist, stopping me in my tracks . I turned to see it was Claire's hand.

My eyes narrowed at this.
"What!?" I asked irritated. The person I wanted to have a serious talk with is Beserker.

"What's your problem?" She said with a hurt look .

"What does it matter to you!?" I snapped pulling away from her touch. *so now she wants to talk with me, tch.*

I turned towards the door to walk away till she said something that stopped my tracks.

"Because I care!" She said. Hearing that made my heart jump with excitement.

I looked back at Claire, to see tears in her eyes.

"Look claire" I said as I approached her and put a finger under her chin making her look up at me.

"We'll talk about this later, right now is just not the time." I said with at I run out of the room to the control room where Claire said Beserker would be at.


Beserker POV

I picked a planet of choice to land, and strapped in the landing would be sorta rough.

"Beserker!" I heard my name being called out, I turn around to see Reza.

"What?" I said.

"I heard about Aurelia, what you do to her?" He said with a furious tone.

That made me snapp at his direction just who the hell he think he was talking to, why he's picking a fight now when Aurelia is in trouble?

"I done nothing!" I snapped back.

"Well you picked where were landing at least?" Reza said.

"No shit." I snapped again.

"Jeez it was just a damn question." Reza snapped at me. She taking his seat and started strapping in too.


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