Chapter 32 - Regret.

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Author's note: like I said before I'm writing a lot today, i like to keep my word.

If I take longer than normal to update anything is either cause I'm either busy with my puppy Niroh, or eating. I'll do my best to hurry things up before it gets pretty dark.


Claire POV.

Are my ears playing tricks on me?

Did I he's him on what he just said.

He regret it now?

"You should've thought of that before you banged Aurelia!" I snapped at him. Clearly not giving a hell right now.

After that came out of my mouth, next I hear I  Reza busting out laughing his ass off, from me telling off Beserker.

"I mean who that hell do you take me for? I'm a human being, I have feelings just like you do, but you didn't care about that before so why now?"
I said.

"I don't know!" Beserker snapped back.

"You don't know, is that all you can say?" I snapped. Folding my arms against my chest. Starting to feel sorta of fed up with this conversation with him.

"Claire, I'm clearly not used to this type of feelings, okay my kind isn't like your wer-." I cut him off not feeling interested in listening any More.

"Weak, is that what you were going to say? Well let me tell you this, least I got a mind to think cause if I didn't I'd be just much of a dumbass like you!" I screamed.

Next I feel myself being lifted off the ground, my eye's widen in shock and disbelief,  Beserker has lifted up by the collar of my v neck t-shirt. Then he leans closer to my face and starts growling.

"Don't you speak to me like that again, show respect!" He said to my face. Respect? Respect? Oh I'll give him my form of respect.

"Teh, respect my ass." I snapped back, no way am I taking anymore of this crap!

Next thing is I feel an arm wrapped around my waist, and another gripping Beserker's arm that having me hold by the shirt.

"Let her go, Beserker!!" Reza shouted . His voice sounded pissed yet worried. But Beserker didn't budge a move.

"LET HER GO!" Reza repeated once again before I was roughly  shoved into Reza's arms.

Beserker started walking off the way he came. Not before turning his head towards us one last time.

"This conversation isn't over, be ready till next time." Beserker growled at his last words then took his leave.

I looked towards the ground then turned towards Reza and hugged him. Reza returned my hug.


Reza POV

Damn him! why he have to show up when Claire and I were having a wonderful moment!?

Plus he has Aurelia, he should be happy to have her, any other male would kill to have her by their side. Tch, I just found it shocking that he would start feeling regret about the mating with her. Doesn't he have no scene of dignity, he's caused enough harm to Claire as it is? Instead of focusing on his regret he should think more how Claire's feeling!

This means, I still get a chance with her, and ask her if she would like to be my mate. The feelings  I used to feel for Aurelia, having the desire to be around her a lot, it's not there anymore, gone, long gone. This made me happy and stress free that I could be with another female without being tormented about not having Aurelia.

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