Chapter 14

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Amberstone blinked open her eyes as the sun was creeping through the warriors nest. She looked around and noticed a small brown tom-kit. She frowned, she noticed the scent but she couldn't place a paw on it. It reminded her of the nursery and Mossybirch... its Birchkit!

"The Amber stone will shine when the Red sun touches, the Finches wing will lift the Sand out of the Gorse, to defeat the Leopard." Birchkit mewed.

"What does that mean?" Amberstone asked.

"Use your brain, you foxbreath." Birchkit teased.

Amberstone frowned thinking. "Does it mean my littermates and I? We have to defeat Leopardstar?"

Birchkit nodded, fading away.

Amberstone padded out of the warriors den. "Amberstone! You're on sunhigh patrol, take whomever you want." Blackear nodded to the new warrior.

Amberstone looked around, she saw Cedarbranch and Mossybirch sitting outside the warriors den.

"Mossybirch! Cedarbranch!" Amberstone called. The two warriors looked up. "Want to be on my patrol?" They both nodded.

"I'll join!" Redsun mewed from under the Tall Stone.

Amberstone flicked her tail and headed out of camp. The three new warriors followed. They patrol along the StreamClan border.

"Amberstone!" Dawncloud called. "Mossybirch! Cedarbracnh! Redsun!"

Amberstone saw her cream friend padding over to them.

"How is life as a warrior?" Dawncloud called.

"You should know!" Redsun teased her eyes sparkling happily.

"How are you?" Amberstone asked.

"Great!" Dawncloud's were shining, then a flash came over her eyes, dulling them. "Leopardstar is coming to our camp,"

"What!" Mossybirch mewed, outraged.

"Yeah, she promised something to Longstar," Dawncloud whispered quietly. "And now, don't expect Longstar to help you in the next battle."

"Wait," Amberstone meowed. "So, you're saying that Leopardstar has done something to Longstar?"

Dawncloud nodded. "I better be going," She looked back at the reeds. "Before some cat find me." With a flick of her tail, she swarmed into the river and swam to the other side. "Bye."

Amberstone waved her tail and went to the direction of the BreezeClan border. Curlstep was patrolling alongside with a tom.

"Curlstep!" Amberstone called.

The silver gray she-cat looked up. "Amberstone!" The she-cat bounded over to the cats. "Redsun, Mossybirch, Cedarbranch." She dipped her head to each cat.

"Who are these cats?" The tom asked.

"They're my friends." Curlstep meowed, flicking the dark orange toms ears.

The tom nodded, but he was narrowing his eyes at the cats.

"How is life?" Curlstep asked, rolling her eyes at the tom.

"Great! Dawncloud just told us something, just awhile ago." Redsun lowered her voice to a whisper.

Curlstep frowned and nodded.

"Leopardstar has promised Longstar something, now he is refusing to fight with us, and she warned us that StreamClan won't help with the battle." Mossybirch mewed.

"What are you whispering?" The orange and red tom asked.

"Just keep going, Rustpelt, I'll be there in a few moments." Curlstep replied to the grumpy tom.

Rustpelt sighed and headed to the NightClan's border.

"We'll let you catch up with him." Redsun meowed, backing up.

Curlstep ran off to the tom.

"Lets get back to camp," Amberstone meowed, padding away. The group followed, they all headed into camp. The fern hollow was bright, as the sun was reflected off the green leaves. The Clan was bathing in the sun, soaking it all up.

Applestar flicked his tail to Amberstone.

"Looks like he has a crush on you," Redsun teased, heading to the fresh-kill pile.

Amberstone headed to the brown tom. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to share this?" He flicked his tail to a rabbit that was lying in-front of him.

"Sure." Amberstone nodded.

They ate in silence as the birds were chirping and the Clan was settling down.

The sun was shining brightly through the trees, Gorsebush came over and laid down, his brown pelt neatly groomed.

Amberstone looked up.

"Amberstone!" Redsun called, waving her tail.


Redsun padded over and lowered her voice. "So, you and Applestar?" Her eyes glinted with happiness.

"What?" Amberstone frowned.

"Do you like him? He seems to like you," Redsun purred.

"What?" Amberstone asked, not knowing what she meant.

"Amberstone!" Applestar called.

Amberstone looked at the brown tom.

"Want to go for a walk?" He asked, stretching.

"Um..." Amberstone looked at Redsun. Redsun nodded, smirking. "Sure, lets go."

They headed out of camp. They walked side by side into the sunny forest. He slowed, flicking his tail towards a clump of ferns. He led her to a little clearing, it was shimmering in the sun. Lilacs covered the area and moss grew from ever direction.

He sat down, he looked at the ginger she-cat, his eyes showing some type of emotion.

Amberstone sat next to him, heaving out a sigh.

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