Chapter 20

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Amberstone stared after the black cream tom. Her paws itched to chase him, but he would only snarl.

"Leave him," Applestar laid his tail on her shoulders. "He'll come to his senses."

"I... i can't see that, he has always been hotheaded." Amberstone meowed, looking at her paws.

"I have better news," Applestar meowed.

Amberstone looked at her mate.

"Do you want to share a nest with me?" Applestar asked, questions shimmering in his eyes.

"Yes, I'll love to!" Amberstone twined her tail with his.

"Let's go for a walk, it looks like there is a lot of your mind." Applestar meowed, leading her to the camp entrance.

Amberstone felt Redsun's gaze on her back, she looked and noticed Redsun had a hurt expression on her face.

I'll tell you later. Amberstone mouthed. Redsun just flicked her tail and padded to the fresh-kill pile.

Amberstone quickly caught up with Applestar as he led the way through the forest.

He flicked his tail, "Sit," Once Amberstone sat down he meowed. "Speak."

Amberstone hesitantly told him her worries. "Well after I was stolen black to NightClan, Dew... Dewstar came anf told me the prophecy. I didn't know what it meant then but now I know."

"Tell me the prophecy you received." Applestar eyes grew serious.

Amberstone swallowed and then, after a few heartbeats she recited the prophecy. "The Amber stone will shine when the Red sun touches, the Finches wing will lift the Sand out of the Gorse, to defeat the Leopard. But was Leopardheart supposed to... die as well?" Amberstone looked her mate in the eyes.

"I... i don't know," Applestar meowed.

"Well, Leopardstar probably wanted us back, so she—" Amberstone got cut off.

"Leopardstar killed Dewstar!" Applestar hissed.

"Don't bring up his name! I was there!" Amberstone stormed off towards the moor, she expected Applestar to chase after her, but she was wrong. She slumped on the ground.


Amberstone looked around.

"Amberstone!" A silver-gray she-cat was waving her tail, running down the hill.

"Curlstep!" Amberstone greeted her friend. They touched muzzles.

"What's wrong?" Curlstep asked, tilting her head.

"Nothing," Amberstone meowed.

"No, something is wrong. Tell me, I'm your friend, and friends don't keep secrets from each other." Curlstep meowed.

"Well... Applestar brought up D...Dew...Dewstar," Amberstone barely choked out his name, grief welling in her throat. "And then I stormed off, and I expected him to follow, but he didn't." Amberstone hung her head sadly.

"Hey, it's okay. He probably didn't realize what had happened. If I were in his paws, then I won't know either." Curlstep meowed, her tail resting on Amberstone's shoulders.

"Amberstone!" A cat called from behind.

Amberstone looked back and saw her brown pelted mate padding towards her.

"I was looking for you!" He exclaimed. Relief shimmering

"Why?" She somewhat snarled.

Applestar looked taken back. "What are you doing with her?" He asked, glaring at the silver-gray she-cat.

"Why? Does it matter to you?" Amberstone looked back at her friend.

"Because, I need know if this cat is trustable." Applestar growled back.

"She is. Curlstep is my friend!" Amberstone hissed. "I'll talk to you later." She meowed to her friend. Curlstep nodded and ran up the hill, her tail disappearing in sight.

"Amberstone," Applestar started.

"What?" Amberstone snapped her head back.

Applestar's golden eyes glimmered sadly. "Never mind." His tail dropped and he headed back to camp.

Amberstone stared after him. She ran by him, her tail in the air. As she ran into camp, Redsun padded over.

"Spill," She meowed, noticing the hurt still in her sisters eyes.

"Well," She stoppped when Applestar padded into camp.

"What? Have you two fought?" Redsun asked.

Amberstone nodded.

"Amberstone!" A cat called.

Amberstone looked where a cat called.

"You're going on a hunting patrol with Lillypatch, Whitefrost, Fernseed, and Coldbreeze." Blackear meowed, padding over to the she-cat.

Amberstone nodded and stood up. As she past Applestar's den, she noticed his golden eyes staring out of the den.

She stalked by looking him right in the eye, then following her patrol into the forest.

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