Chapter 33

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*Blaze's POV* (A day before Shadow found them)
Blaze stretched in the grass, sniffing the air she found the scent of a vole. Her paws moved slowly beneath her as she stalked forwards. Her body weight lifted as she leaped through the air and down onto the prey. Blaze bit down and felt the vole go limp.

Proudly, she padded back to her friends as they made a make-shift nest in the ferns. Blossom looked up, purring. "Your back!" She exclaimed.

"You found prey!" Sugar padded out from behind the ferns, her pelt dusty.

"Yep, I remembered what you taught me," Blaze mewed happily.

"We're lucky we found you when we did, one more day with out food and you would have been crow-food." Blossom purred, her tail flicking.

Blaze was found under a road, the channel she was found in was filled with fungi, rats and sickness. Her mother was killed on the road by a car. She left her house when she realized that her other three kits were taken away. Blaze was following her mother through the trees.

"Now, be careful." Her mother had warned. "The road is up ahead, we don't want to get squished by a car."

Once they got there, they went underneath and rested for a bit, her mother told her that she was going to get some prey. When Blaze's mother didn't return, she started to worry.

Then, all of a sudden, she heard a screech and a honk. Then the screech was cut off.

Blaze had leapt to her paws and raced out of the channel. As she raced out of the channel she skidded to a halt beside her mother.

As the glow faded from her eyes, her mother whispered. "Go find the ginger cat, she will lead your paws to destiny." Her mother twitched, then laid still.

Blaze's collapsed to her belly and was shaking in her pelt.




She never learned to hunt, until Blossom and Sugar found her.

"When will we be traveling again?"

The mew jerked Blaze out of her thoughts. "What?"

"I said, when do you think we will be traveling again?" Sugar lashed her tail.

"Let's start tomorrow morning." Blossom meowed.

They all shared the vole and settled down for the night.



The next morning, Blaze was awoken by Sugar. They headed out when they caught some prey. Blaze wolfed it down as looked up as Sugar shook out her pelt.

Blossom's ginger and white fur was messy, usually she kept her pelt groomed. Blossom noticed the yellow she-cat looking at her and quickly snatched her gaze away.

"Lets go." Blossom mewed, standing up.

Sugar finished her mouthful and followed the ginger and white she-cat down a trail.



"When can we stop?" Blaze complained.

"When ever we stop," Blossom snapped.

Sugar turned. "Um... what was that?"

"What was what?" Blossom asked.

"Did you not hear that?" Sugar frowned.

"Hear wha-" Blossom's mew got cut off.

Blaze got knocked off her paws, a black tom was on top of her, his teeth bare and ears pinned.

"What are you doing on our territory?" He snarled, his black tail lashing.

"We... we were just traveling through..." Blossom stampered.

"We were just traveling through." The black tom mimicked.

"What do you want with us anyway?" Sugar snarled. "And get off our friend." Her white pelt fluffed up and glanced at Blaze, as she was struggling underneath the tom.

The black cat hesitantly stepped off the yellow she-cat.

Blaze leaped to her paws and glared at the black tom.

"I'm Shadow," The tom meowed, noticing the yellow cats glare.

"I'm Sugar, and this is Blossom." Sugar glanced at the ginger and white she-cat.

"I'm Blaze." Blaze continued to glare at the tom.

"I'm here to ask you if you three want to join my group?" Shadow asked.

"What group do you mean?" Blossom tilted her head. 

"Leopard's Group." Shadow paced around the cats.

"Okay..." Sugar looked at Blossom.

"Then let's go," Shadow padded up a hill and leaped across a stream.

The three cats hesitated before following.

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