Chapter 16

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Amberstone woke up to a cat nudging her. She blinked open her eyes to see Gorsebush standing over her.

"What?" She asked groggily.

"Dawn patrol," He said, then hopped out of the den.

She sleepily got up and stumbled out the den. Gorsebush, Darknight, and Whitefrost were waiting at the entrance, she followed the group as they headed out the camp.

She tripped over loose brambles, sticking up roots and bracken. She wasn't used to getting up this early. The sun was even up. Her eyes were bleary with sleep. She couldn't focus.

Her thoughts were twirling in her mind.

"What's wrong?" Gorsebush asked.

"I'm just really tired." Amberstone mewed, shaking her head to clear her thoughts.

They group continued around the forest, marking their scent at every border, she would follow the group, slowly. Amberstone trailed behind.

When they got back to camp, a fuss was happening.

"What's going on?" Whitefrost asked, glancing around.

"Lionpuddle is kitting." A shriek shook the nursery.

Heatherfrost raced out of the nursery and into the medicine den, moments later she came back with herbs. She stuck her head into the nursery and shuffled in.

Tigerflame was pacing outside the den. Lionpuddle was his littermate, so that made the kits kin to Amberstone and her littermates.

Tigerflame lashed his tail. "What is happening?" He whispered to himself.

Amberstone padded over to her father. "Its going to be okay." She soothed the anxious tom.

He looked at her them relaxed.

Applestar leapt onto the fallen log. "Cats of the Clan, we must eat, the kits won't come any faster if we starve."

The Clan, hesitated but after a few moments the Clan was feasting on prey.

Amberstone looked at the brown leader. She grabbed a bird and called. "Applestar! Do you want to share?"

Applestar's eyes lit up and he leapt down from the fallen log to the ground, he bounded over and settled down. Amberstone bit into the bird, looking around camp. Cats had their eyes on them, amusement lighting up.

Redsun purred in amusement, flicking her tail happily.

Amberstone ignored her sister and bite into the bird. Applestar's was looking at Amberstone. Amberstone's pelt prickled in embarrassment. If cats could, she blushed.

Applestar ate his piece. His tail touching Amberstone's. She left it their, seeming to relax a bit.

"I need to tell you something," Applestar whispered into Amberstone's ear. "Lets go for a walk."

Amberstone followed the leader out of camp. They went to the same spot as before. He sat down and took a big breath.

"Ever since you were taken away from our Clan," Applestar started. "I felt like a piece of me was missing." He looked at his paws. "And when you got back," He stopped, he glanced quickly at Amberstone, smiling. "I've liked you. Then when you got your warrior name, I felt like I wont take any other cat as a mate except you,"

Amberstone blushed, smiling. "I feel the same," Amberstone mewed.

"Really?" Applestar looked happily at the she-cat.

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